Write stress analyses based on suitable elastic theories of failure.

Manual design calculation of each machine element using necessary equations and selection of standard parts. Task Individual specification of machine components shown in Figure 1 will be given to each student. Based on the given specification, students should perform the following activities: Manual design calculation of each machine element using necessary equations and selection of … Read more

Explain how local governments can raise their funds, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities.

Discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. Public Management (MGT 324) Assignment 1 We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and … Read more

Research at least 10 peer-reviewed papers and dive deeper into any section of a chapter.

Social Engineering on Frame Transformation Throughout this course we have talked about (and will continue to talk about) a great deal of social engineering techniques. Bottom line though, all of what we learned is the various ways we can achieve our end goal. Since we know there are various ways to reach our goals that … Read more

Create a visual presentation based on your essay using Powerpoint, Prezi, Google Slides, or any other medium.

Social Media Impact on Students’ Mental Health Instructions Research Essay – Paper Presentation For this assignment, create a visual presentation based on your essay using Powerpoint, Prezi, Google Slides, or any other medium. This presentation should include the following elements (at least): The Introduction; The Research Question/Thesis; Supporting Evidence (examples); and The Conclusion. Be creative! … Read more

hich sub-genre within 20th century music does this most clearly resemble?

Did any of these remind you of any of the other Listening Guides, or other music you’ve heard LM 7 Listening Activity 1.)  Listen to the following two works in their entirety and answer the questions below.  Click or copy/paste the links to access each selection.  These are also found in the LM 7 folder … Read more

Discuss in detail the four dimensions of CSR differentiated by the different levels of priority.

Business Ethics and Organizational Social Responsibility Assignment Question(s): Examine how the author relates business ethics and the CSR. (Not less than 300 words-2 Marks) Discuss in detail the four dimensions of CSR differentiated by the different levels of priority. With appropriate examples. (Expecting detailed answer 10 Marks) Critically evaluate the issues, controversies and the problems … Read more

What factors may increase the risk of fraudulent financial reporting in Souper Bowl’s 2016 revenues? 

Tableau Assignment Company Background You were recently promoted to audit senior at your firm, Aoife & Josephine LLP, and one of your primary clients is Souper Bowl Inc. Souper Bowl (‘‘the company’’) is a privately held business headquartered in Maine, and has a fiscal year-end of December 31. The company has been in business for … Read more

What does that word mean to you now, and has your perception of and relationship to nature changed over this course?

“Humans and Nature 1.The Earth is a living planet; from the atmosphere above us to the soils and root systems under our feet, the Earth is teeming with life. But how much do we know about all this life? Our textbook author, and indeed environmentalists and conservationists across the globe, hope to change our perception … Read more

Create a Python program that populates an array variable (containing at least five elements) within a loop using input supplied by the user.

Week7 discussion Create a Python program that populates an array variable (containing at least five elements) within a loop using input supplied by the user. It should then perform some modification to each element of the array using a second loop, and then display the modified array in a third loop. Note that there should … Read more

How might they utilize machine learning to create advanced analytics and business intelligence?

Group Assignment 6 – Business Intelligence & AI Part One Based on your organization’s business model, what business analytics might help your organization? What analytics might assist them in Digital Transformation?  Brainstorm 6-8 ideas. Focus on unique opportunities for their business model/industry/product base. Avoid listing generic reports (e.g., Personal File listing, Income Statement, etc.).  This … Read more