what situation would the use of local evidence be more desirable than external evidence?

Describe the difference between local and global evidence Critical thinking question Create a Microsoft Word document and answer the following questions based on this module’s readings. Your response should be a minimum of 3–5 sentences in length, original (in your own words), and use professional writing. What is meant by evidence for nursing? Describe the … Read more

What do some fans of Harry Potter feel the must do to still be able to love Harry Potter in the face of what they find problematic about JK Rowling?

What did JK Rowling argued taught her the value of single-sex space Doing 20 multiple choices question. Question 1 (2 points) Saved When it comes to rules, what are the parallels between team sports and the US markets and legal systems? Question 1 options: Rules are universal, transparent, and legitimate Rules can be changed depending … Read more

How important is it that we use accurate language versus clear language in our upcoming presentations?

Tribute speeches often evoke more colorful, and detailed language to help our audience understand the emotions we are feeling, or the significance of the person being discussed. With your upcoming speech in mind, how important is it that we use accurate language versus clear language in our upcoming presentations? For example, your mother may be … Read more

What new knowledge or skill did you learn since the beginning of the internship?

Briefly describe your role in the internship Internship First Discussion Student should initiate a post and reply to at least 3 of their colleagues as this will open more interaction and expression among students as each student has his/her own unique experience First discussion should include the following questions: 1-Briefly describe your role in the … Read more

Briefly discuss what you see as your major findings (i.e., what interesting issues about family emerged from your interviews).

Interview Write up Because your paper will be only about 4-5 pages (double-spaced), you will inevitably not use all of the information you collect in your interview  and this is normal in any research (qualitative or quantitative). Your task will be to select excerpts from the interviews in order to illustrate several main points. As … Read more

Select the alternative that you think best fits the problem and objectives and explain why.

Decision Making Final Case Case – Final 1. Read the case that is provided in CONTENT. 2. Provide your analysis of the case using the decision making process. See below for specific instructions. Topics to Cover and Instructions: – Summary of Issue in the Case o Be sure to describe the main points in the … Read more

If you choose to keep the name, why do you think the name, “Jones”, will resonate with the consumers in this country?

Determine 2 countries where you believe Jones Soda will do successfully. PROMOTE JONES SODA Objective: Promotional Activities appears to be the easiest element of Marketing 4P. However, it has its own challenges: Social Media is quite prominent, but not all platforms of social media are available throughout the world Internet is not necessarily available or … Read more

What is your best judgment of consumers’ perceived value for product such as foreign brand (especially American brand) tomato ketchup?

Global Marketing emphasis the importance of research to avoid assumptions based on ethnocentrism. PRICE JAMBA JUICE, DEL MONTE, COCA COLA Objective: Price is the only element in the Marketing 4P that generates revenue. Product, Place, and Promotion all cost money. Price is the only element that makes money, but perhaps the most intricate. Income Per … Read more

Which publics (stakeholders) are affected most?

The estimated impact of the situation on the company’s results, operations, reputation Strategic Communications Plan for Nestle Buitoni Organization analysis Nestle Nestle Buitoni 1) The Situation Analysis (4 pages): Fully assesses the situation affecting the company and its current/potential impact on the organization’s results, operations, reputation, and the attitudes, commitment, and engagement of key publics … Read more