Contrast the “traditional” ilities of reliability and maintainability with those of human factors and environmental engineering.

Engineering 1. Describe whether the same disciplines apply to software and hardware. 2. Contrast the “traditional” ilities of reliability and maintainability with those of human factors and environmental engineering. 3. Explain why the ilities are considered a part of systems engineering rather than design.

Engineering : Select a Mechatronics system of your choice. Explore, understand and write a 5-6 page report (double spaced, size 12 font) that should include following:

Engineering Select a Mechatronics system of your choice. Explore, understand and write a 5-6 page report (double spaced, size 12 font) that should include following: 1.Introduction 2.System overview and Functional diagram, Flowcharts and State diagrams 3.Identification of sensors, actuators and any mechanical components 4.Design of key circuits 5. Comparison of various commercially available systems.

Using specific citations from the reading, describe some of the activities that people generally engage in after receiving warning information and before initiating protective actions.

Understanding Public Response to Alerts and Warnings Read Chapter 1 (Understanding Public Response to Alerts and Warnings) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018)book Emergency Alert and Warning Systems: Current Knowledge and Future Research.After reading, answer the questions below:Using specific citations from the reading, describe some of the activities that people generally … Read more

Female Nobel laureates : In all the arguments you present for your chosen topic, identify your stance and present three key points of argumentation your final essay submission.

Female Nobel laureates The rarity of female Nobel laureates raises questions about women’s exclusion from education and careers in science and the undervaluing of women’s contributions on science teams. Despite efforts to encourage women to enter careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics(STEM), it is suggested they remain underrepresented in this field.Argue whether women continue … Read more

Biotechnology : Describe in detail the pathways for engineering functional CO2 -concentrating mechanisms into plant chloroplasts.

Biotechnology – Maximum of 500 words for each question Question 1. Describe in detail the pathways for engineering functional CO2 -concentrating mechanisms into plant chloroplasts. Question 2. This question is in two parts, each carrying equal marks. (a) The formal definitions for metabolite identifications have been defined by the Metabolite Standards Initiative.  With particular reference to the identification of tryptophan using GC-MS discuss how Level 2 identification … Read more

The case for engineering our food: what does “genetic modification” mean to you?

Pamela Ronald “The case for engineering our food” 1. What does “genetic modification” mean to you? 2 Do you know of foods that have been genetically modified that are regularly consumed by Americans? If you do not know of any, look one up online. List at least one. Tell us the reason why it was … Read more

Complete all practice from the “Word Choice for Precision and Accuracy” lesson

Complete all practice from the “Word Choice for Precision and Accuracy” lesson (Language Lesson 1) (Links to an external site.) from the Civil Engineering Writing Complete all practice from the “Word Choice for Precision and Accuracy” lesson More Practice part d. Complete the practice on the lesson or in a separate document except for the … Read more