What does this description imply about the assumption of profit maximization?Suggest reasons why well-run firm avoid firing workers during a recession and re-hiring them in a boom.

“The Economist, Buttonwood column, 17 July 2021” (1) Read the following article from “The Economist, Buttonwood column, 17 July 2021” Optimism about company earnings has driven share prices higher in the past year. But financial markets are relentlessly forward-looking. And with bumper earnings already in the bag, they now have less to look forward to. … Read more

“One of the Giants”. Ronald Coase: explain how the article relates to learning objectives and explain why the information in the article matters in the context of business decision making.

Article on topic: “One of the Giants”. Ronald Coase, the economist who explained why firms exist, died on September 2nd, aged 102. Explain how the article relates to learning objectives and explain why the information in the article matters in the context of business decision making. The response should be insightful, thoughtful, and analytical.It must … Read more