Describe the effect that the atmosphere has on absorbing, scattering and reflecting incoming solar radiation.

Atmospheric and Surface Heating • Explain how Earth’s atmosphere is heated • Describe the effect that the atmosphere has on absorbing, scattering andreflecting incoming solar radiation • List the gases in the atmosphere that are responsible for absorbing longwaveradiation • Discuss the differences in the heating and cooling of land and water • Summarize the … Read more

Global climate change: define greenhouse effect.describe which gases are important to the greenhouse effect.

Case Part I:Geologic History of Earth From the Sam Noble Museum, answer the following questions: How many major mass extinction periods are listed here? Follow the links from that page to learn more about each period. What caused each, and which major groups of species disappeared from each period? Conduct a library or web search … Read more

Explain what technology would be used to increase crop yield and what historical basis will be of the future on planet Earth ?

Problem: World population is at about 7.5 billion in the world today. The population will probably double within lifetime exceeding the current carrying capacity of the planet. Use of Genetically Modified Organisms have increased crop yields and have increased the food carrying capacity of planet Earth. How would you feed this many people? Explain what … Read more