Pick a substance between cocaine or opioids and explain Why you picked this particular substance?What are the proper medical uses?How is the drug being abused?How is this effecting society?How do you primarily treat the abuse of this drug?What does appropriate aftercare look like?

Drug abuse Pick a substance between cocaine or opioids and explain Why you picked this particular substance?What are the proper medical uses?How is the drug being abused?How is this effecting society?How do you primarily treat the abuse of this drug?What does appropriate aftercare look like? The findings will be compiled in a 4-page report to … Read more

What motivated you to enter the field of substance use disorder counseling?

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certificate . 1.What motivated you to enter the field of substance use disorder counseling? 2. What steps have you taken to prepare for this new career? 3. What is/are your career goal(s) once you completed the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certificate? Indicate any professional certification or graduate programs you intend to … Read more

Use and find 3 drugs to research from drugabuse.gov , or teens.drugabuse.gov

Drug Paraphernalia Use and find 3 drugs to research from drugabuse.gov , or teens.drugabuse.gov – Define possession and drug abuse – Identify the signs and symptoms of drug abuse and addiction. – Discuss 5 facts concerning each of the three drugs that you choose to research. – Discuss how drug abuse and addiction effects the … Read more

PTSD and Drug Abuse : Examine the post-traumatic stress disorder prevalence among the general population and substance users.

PTSD and Drug Abuse The final project consists of a research paper on PTSD and drug abuse. In addition to presenting research on PTSD and drug abuse, the paper should also address a Christian perspective of the topic. Examine the post-traumatic stress disorder prevalence among the general population and substance users.