Whether justified or not, surveillance technologies violate the privacy of civilians for good. “Surveillance of individuals who have not yet or have never committed a crime poses the most significant ethical dilemma”. However, who here has not committed a crime?

Domestic Terrorism in the United States. Whether justified or not, surveillance technologies violate the privacy of civilians for good. “Surveillance of individuals who have not yet or have never committed a crime poses the most significant ethical dilemma”.  However, who here has not committed a crime? If this is true, then what does that mean … Read more

Domestic Terrorism and the Constitution.Identify methods of radicalization of persons and discuss appropriate and constitutional steps to combat this radicalization of U.S. persons and domestic terrorist activities?

Domestic Terrorism and the Constitution Describe domestic terrorism. Identify methods of radicalization of persons and discuss appropriate and constitutional steps to combat this radicalization of U.S. persons and domestic terrorist activities?