Compose a paper arguing that democracy does help reduce conflict  but that democracies still engage in conflict nevertheless.

Does democracy reduce conflict? Compose a paper arguing that democracy does help reduce conflict  but that democracies still engage in conflict nevertheless. The conclusion should emphasise that although democracies are flawed because of this, they are still the best system of governance. Includes 20 academic sources to support and counter various arguments.  

Demonstrate how important it is to use holism when trying to set up a society and the way that society will be governed

Watch the following YouTube Video Iroquois Confederacy: First Democracy of the Americas (22:20) at Assignment Write a 3-to-4-page reflective paper on the question: “Is democracy the best to govern?” Include supporting information from the video. Use these questions and statements below as some guidelines for the reflective paper: Give a brief history of the … Read more

Democracy: some people believe that the adoption of modern democracy requires the acceptance of the basic tenets of liberalism.why is that the case?

Democracy. 1. Some people believe that the adoption of modern democracy requires the acceptance of the basic tenets of liberalism. Why is that the case? 2. Modern democracy is mostly (but not entirely) representative, thus making the methods used to elect representatives especially important. Starting from these two observations, explain the link between representative democracy … Read more

Reflective report: discuss the pros vs cons of democracy & dictatorship political systems based on the selected three required readings .

Reflective report Length 700-1000 words Discuss the pros vs cons of democracy & dictatorship political systems based on the selected three required readings . Critically analyse and reflect on the authors’ arguments and summarise them with your reflections and analyses of the discussions. Compare and contrast theories regarding the nature of democracy and dictatorship and … Read more

Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Aristotle on Democracy.

Prompt: Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Aristotle on Democracy Democracy. Is democracy really the best regime (as we are likely to think)? Why or why not? Advice: •Your first and most important task in this essay is to demonstrate that you understand Plato and Aristotle. You will need to reconstruct their arguments in your … Read more