Does the role of shared decision making violate the principles of the adversary system because cooperation among the courthouse actors may translate into a culture where defendant’s rights fail to have any real meaning?

Answer the following questions: 1. Does the role of shared decision making violate the principles of the adversary system because cooperation among the courthouse actors may translate into a culture where defendant’s rights fail to have any real meaning? 2. Discuss the possible differences and possible tension points between prosecutors and police. 3. In what … Read more

Pick an arguable topic take a stand on with particular stipulations in place and write an Essay of 6-8 pages in length on the chosen topic.

As human beings, we tend to get into arguments more times than not, whether it’s in class, at work, or at home with our peers, friends, and family. Our opinions, beliefs, and values often clash with others’, but though we argue on a regular basis, that doesn’t make us specialists when it comes to arguing … Read more