Reflection : reflect on whether you think this was the right or wrong thing to do. Explain your reasoning.

Reflection. In 2001, Congress overturned the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)’s extensive ergonomics rules that required virtually all employers to create programs to protect employees against repetitive stress disorders. Reflect on whether you think this was the right or wrong thing to do. Explain your reasoning.

Analyze the Declaration of Independence and examine the connection between the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality with those stated in the document .

In Congress, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which … Read more

Why do you think there are so few women in Congress in comparison to men? How likely is it that these patterns of representation will dramatically change over your lifetime?

Low representation of women in Congress. Political scientists disagree on the exact causes of low representation of women in Congress. Why do you think there are so few women in Congress in comparison to men? How likely is it that these patterns of representation will dramatically change over your lifetime?

Briefly describe the country’s preceding compromises that set precedent for Congress to attempt to reach this series of settlement.

The Compromise The Compromise of 1850 followed the precedent of a long line of compromises reached since 1776. Briefly describe the country’s preceding compromises that set precedent for Congress to attempt to reach this series of settlement. Use 150 to 200 words and cite your textbook.

Review the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution and determine if Congress has the power to override the Constitution and pass laws to allow the National Security Agency and other government agencies to review phone calls, mine data and personal information, and otherwise invade the privacy of people within the United States, without probable cause.

Privacy and civil liberties. As time passes since the attacks of September 11, 2001, homeland security has improved, but concerns over privacy and civil liberties have increased. Advocates for security claim that new technologies and techniques in homeland security are necessary to protect the public. Privacy advocates believe that the mining of personal information and … Read more

Discuss the different trends in congress and what you think it means for the representation of citizens in the House and Senate?does it matter if members of congress look like most Americans?

Descriptive representation is a way of thinking about representation in which it is thought to be important that representatives have the same racial, gender, ethnic, religious, or educational backgrounds as their constituents. Review how Congress has changed over time with respect to race, gender, veteran status, education, and religion in the Pew Research articles “The … Read more

Letter to Congress: pick one policy issue and write a letter to a member of Congress on the topic.     

Letter to Congress Pick one policy issue and write a letter to a member of Congress on the topic.           demonstrate substantial knowledge about the policy issue, the position you’ve taken, and the role they will play in the passing of legislation related to your position.     Keep in mind that you will be unable to write … Read more

The Roles of Congress and the presidency: what characteristics do you think voters look for when choosing a president?

The Roles of Congress and The Presidency What characteristics do you think voters look for when choosing a president? Do you think voters choose the characteristics they are looking for depending on the socioeconomic and political environment – lack of jobs, riots, COVID-19, environmental concerns and other issues ?Explain your answer.