Pick a country of your choice ,examine and explain its criminal justice system.

International Criminal Justice. Pick a country of your choice ,examine and explain its criminal justice system. Should have at least 3-5 resources outside of your textbook. Paper requirements: · APA format (use in-text citation) · 3-4 pages double spaced 12-point Times New Romans Font · Uses at least 3-5 references outside of the textbook.  

Using a sociological theoretical perspective of either Conflict Theory or Symbolic Interactionist Theory, analyze a movie of your choice, applying sociological concepts from your text to the movie to support what you believe the movie has to say sociologically.

Sociological Analysis of a Movie. Movies can tell us a lot about society and culture. A movie may discuss social roles in a particular time and culture, history, views of socially constructed norms such as sexual morality, cultural fears, and many other sociological facets. By reviewing the movie from a sociological perspective, we can gain … Read more

CR: what is the importance of theories and theorizing in the field of sociology?

CR There are multiple theories, theorists, and perspectives that are important in the field of sociology. Three of the most important sociological theories are (1) Structural Functionalism, (2) Conflict Theory, and (3) Symbolic Interactionism. In this CR, choose two from these three that appeal to your interests and consider the following questions: What is the … Read more

Write 1,000-1,500 words explaining how each of the two theories that you chose would explain the current event and making an argument for which of the two theories you think provides the best explanation for the event

1. Choose an article from a newspaper, magazine, or news website that was published on or after September 1, 2021. The article should be about a current event. The event can be happening anywhere in the world The article can come from an international news source as long as it is written in English. Pick … Read more

How does the film 13th help us to better understand this theoretical approach?use examples drawing from the documentary

Conflict Theory explains how laws are not applied evenly across the population or are designed to serve the political and economic interests of the ruling classes. How does the film 13th help us to better understand this theoretical approach? Use examples drawing from the documentary