What did he mean by it and analyze whether or not this was a successful foreign policy strategy.

While not approving of Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine, many countries in the global south but also among America’s allies have a certain understanding for Putin’s actions. Analyze and assess the reasons for this. Select ONE question from the questions below and write research paper of c. 1800 words (plus/minus 10 per cent) (the … Read more

Elaborate on the two different approaches and what do you believe are the ramifications of these different approaches?

Cold War The world is far different today than it was 40 years ago, or even 20 years ago. Therefore, diplomacy must change as well. Some nations build ties that last while others change with the changing environment. Some nations will never have trusting ties with other nations, even though they may agree on some … Read more

Pick three (3) of the following American Foreign policies and explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.

American Foreign Policy during the Cold War. Pick three (3) of the following American Foreign policies: Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Containment Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters Vietnam (conflict) War Détente’ SALT I & SALT II Camp David Accords Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars”) Then, address the following for your selections: Explain how each of your choices … Read more

What do you feel was the major impact of the Cold War and the Reagan Doctrine specifically on Central America during the 1970’s and 1980’s? Were the actions of the United States justified in these instances? Why or why not?

Cold War and the Reagan Doctrine What do you feel was the major impact of the Cold War and the Reagan Doctrine specifically on Central America during the 1970’s and 1980’s? Were the actions of the United States justified in these instances? Why or why not?

Identify and describe at least TWO examples of decolonization that took place after World War II. Who controlled these former colonies, and when did they become independent nations? Were there any political or military struggles that took place before or after their independence?

  This Paper needs to be in CHICAGO STYLE. Choose 2 questions from the list below and answer them in 400-600 words each. Answer the complete questions that you choose and please use proper grammar and spelling and all that. Questions: 1. Identify and describe at least TWO examples of that took place after World … Read more

CNN Cold War Video: who were some of the main political and historical personalities being featured? And what role did the United States have in these episodes?

The Cold War CNN Cold War Video in 1998 In terms of the content of the review, there are three aspects to discuss: First provide summaries of each episode. What are the topics being covered in each episode? Who were some of the main political and historical personalities being featured? And what role did the … Read more