Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not?

The Ethics of Immigration. Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not? Which moral factors should a country consider when deciding who can and can’t immigrate to its lands?

Persuasive Speech : Write a 3 page persuasive Speech persuading citizens in your community to vote yes toward the allocation of city funds towards a project or cause that you believe will benefit all members of your community.

Persuasive Speech Imagine that you have been invited to deliver a speech at a town hall meeting. You are going to deliver a persuasive speech to persuade citizens in your community to vote yes toward the allocation of city funds towards a project or cause that you believe will benefit all members of your community. … Read more

Based on what you know about university to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion, how do you envision your life at university and beyond?

•Briefly describe what prompted you to apply to University. •Based on what you know about university to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion, how do you envision your life at university and beyond? (Maximum 200 words)

Discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

1. Discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens. 2. Why do we need to define some individuals as citizens and others as non-citizens? 3. What are the challenges of being a responsible citizen? 4. How do public issues get on the agenda of the legislature? 5. What factors should lawmakers consider when making policy? 6. … Read more