The rise and fall of the BRICs: analyze why Jim O’Neill was not correct about his argument on the BRIC countries arguing and that the BRICS era is over.

The rise and fall of the BRICs In 2001, Jim O’Neil looked at the GDP standings of the world economies and using GDP projections observed that Brazil, Russia, Indian and China (the BRICs) share of world GDP was set to rise dramatically. Paper available here for reference: (November 30, 2001). Analyze why Jim O’Neill … Read more

Examine and explain the interaction between possible causes and results of internet usage and internet privacy concern through trust entities in China.

Privacy Concerns and Trust Entities in Online Information Disclosure in China. Examine and explain the interaction between possible causes and results of internet usage and internet privacy concern through trust entities in China. Analyze how different reasons for internet privacy circumstances influence online information disclosure behavior. Discuss how the theory of planned behavior is adapted … Read more

Compare similarities and differences between China vs India economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

World Economies Comparison Presentation Prepare 3 slide presentation: Introduction slide; Inflation rate over time slide; and Inflation rate over time chart slide for China vs India (world’s 2 most populous countries) Compare similarities and differences between China vs India economies and how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth … Read more