What are some of the factors that impede the psycho-social well-being of older adults in the Caribbean?

Intervention, Psycho-social support and Older Adults in the Caribbean. 1. What are some of the factors that impede the psycho-social well-being of older adults in the Caribbean? 2. What are the present interventions in place that protect the psycho-social well-being of older adults in the Caribbean? 3. What recommendations can be given to fillip the … Read more

The History of Mary Prince: how does reading about what happened to Mary’s body and the bodies of others in the Caribbean add to your understanding of this video?explain.

The History of Mary Prince. 1. Read “The History of Mary Prince,” which you will find under the course materials tab. Describe your reaction to Mary’s story, from her childhood to her experience after arriving in England. Be sure to include quotations from the text to illustrate your responses. 2. After commenting on the “The … Read more