Situated in the realm of social control, there are those that have argued that the criminal justice system maintains itself as a mechanism of social control due to the functional nature of crime. How might this position be defended ?

Capitalist and democratic society In a capitalist and democratic society there are certain realities that exist as a result of ones social class, race/ethnicity, and/or gender. Situated in the realm of social control, there are those that have argued that the criminal justice system maintains itself as a mechanism of social control due to the … Read more

Capitalist Relations of Exploitation: how is profit (surplus value) realized through the exploitation of workers and the distinction between labor and labor power?

According to Marx (following Rousseau?) our human potential is most fully realized through our interaction with nature–through the creative, thoughtful transformation of raw materials into a useful, finished product. We can have an intimate identification and relationship with such products. Think “the fruits of your labor” or a person who manufactures a small amount of … Read more