What is being done to manage the hazards in Los Angeles?

Writing Assignment Instructions The objective of these assignments is for you to explore how geological factors impact society and how we in turn affect the environment around us.  You will be investigating the environmental geology of Los Angeles, and will be writing a complete report, split into three separate assignments.  In the first paper, you … Read more

Write a section in which you use the theory or principle to either understand or solve the problem (~1 page).

Draw on any theory or principle discussed in class, or in your course readings. Social Psychology (PSYC 332) This third application paper follows the same format as the first two, but choose a different problem, and a different social psychological theory. Your assignment is to write a short (~3 pages, or 900 words) APA-style paper … Read more

Does your answer differ if “Shares in Learning” are issued by Private College, a proprietary for-profit institution that does business in all 50 states? Why?

Securities Law Private University, a private nonprofit educational institution located in Califor­nia, decides to issue “Shares in Learning” certificates in a one-time offering to the public. These shares will be sold for $500 each and entitle the bearer to redeem each certificate for two undergraduate or one graduate college credit in any of its schools … Read more

Describe how you can relate to the event in a personal way, for example, if it is about earthquakes, have you ever experienced one, or do you live in California and are concerned about them?

Geological Events. Geological events are in the news every day. Search the Internet for a news article related to geology that you can personally relate to, and provide the title, URL, and write a short summary.  Include why you found this article interesting. Describe how you can relate to the event in a personal way, … Read more

What are two or three ‘takeaways’ from the chapters you read? What did you find to be surprising/depressing/intriguing about what Arax wrote about the various ways in which California’s water and land has been used in the Central Valley?

The dreamt land by mark arax What are two or three ‘takeaways’ from the chapters you read? What did you find to be surprising/depressing/intriguing about what Arax wrote about the various ways in which California’s water and land has been used in the Central Valley?

What are two or three ‘takeaways’ from the chapters you read? What did you find to be surprising/depressing/intriguing about what Arax wrote about the various ways in which California’s water and land has been used in the Central Valley?

California’s water and land What are two or three ‘takeaways’ from the chapters you read? What did you find to be surprising/depressing/intriguing about what Arax wrote about the various ways in which California’s water and land has been used in the Central Valley? Chapter 15 Chapter 16

Use material from Pacific Eldorado, Chapter 9 and at least two outside resources to to write an essay arguing whether the Progressive Movement was significant to the history of California.

History in Court The history of politics and government in California has been a story of constant efforts to make government, starting at the most local level, more responsive to the people it serves. The most significant period of reform in California was the Progressive Era, commencing with Hiram Johnson’s election as governor in 1910. … Read more

Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) in Los Angeles, California to research which address Juveniles Needs. These should not be publicly-funded or government organizations. Explain

Juveniles Needs Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) in Los Angeles, California to research which address Juveniles Needs. These should not be publicly-funded or government organizations. Explain in a one page paper why you selected them.

While there are many management design options available to you,discuss the challenges in using the lateral steering group management design.

Structuring Global Coordination You are the HR director of such a transnational firm that has a manufacturing business divided into six major trades being established in your select foreign country while the corporate headquarters is in San Diego, California. While there are many management design options available to you,discuss the challenges in using the lateral … Read more