People often handle grief, anger, sadness, disappointment, etc. differently from others. Evaluate your attitude toward one of these items with that of another person. Give reasons for each person believing what he or she does.

Belief People often handle grief, anger, sadness and disappointment. differently from others. Evaluate your attitude toward one of these items with that of another person. Give reasons for each person believing what he or she does.

Thinking about your own culture, what are some examples of ideas or objects that are considered “sacred”? What are the rules concerning how these objects or ideas should be treated? What are the penalties for people who do not follow these rules?

Magic, Belief, and Religion Durkheim argued that a distinction between the sacred and the profane was a key characteristic of religion. Thinking about your own culture, what are some examples of ideas or objects that are considered “sacred”? What are the rules concerning how these objects or ideas should be treated? What are the penalties … Read more