Provide a power point presentation of maximum 15 slides about (learning from errors to prevent harm) from this references or any references about quality not older than 2016 (3 to 5 references)

Learning from errors to prevent harm Provide a power point presentation of maximum 15 slides about (learning from errors to prevent harm) from this references or any references about quality not older than 2016 (3 to 5 references), and to write in each slide in another way not copy paste from the book because plagiarism … Read more

Are there elements of the message or media that would make this a wrong choice for children int he target age group?

How might parents or teachers use this media in interacting with children Assess media sources directed at children. Either a children’s show or other forms of media. Focus on how children are portrayed, how children’s issues are addressed, or how the media is designed to appeal to or influence children. If there is a teaching … Read more

Is the author associated with a reputable university or college?

Give its title, the author’s name, and the article’s main idea. Bibliography. that’s professors link about explaining. Annotated Bibliography Instructions: Your Annotated Bibliography assignment should consist of one academic article per person in your group that you plan to use in your argument/research essay. The AB should feature the following information: A creative, original title … Read more

Based on the research in your chosen article, what is the one factor that has a direct and positive impact on knowledge retention, and why?

Article Critique Research the databases in the CSU Online Library, and locate an article for a critique that covers effective training delivery methods for adult learners. The article must be at least four pages in length and published within the last 7 years. Be sure to cover the topics below in your critique. Identify and … Read more