Write 3 Paragraphs on how the Articles of Confederation interests you.

Articles of Confederation. Write 3 Paragraphs on how the Articles of Confederation interests you. Consider : The Articles of Confederation (1777) Congress (Federal government) limited by common fear of tyrannical central power→States retain sovereignty Only state governments had power to tax → federal government printed more money leading to inflation Economic problems : No power … Read more

Crafting of the U.S Constitution: explain the theoretical and historical factors that influenced the writers of the U.S. Constitution.

Crafting of the U.S Constitution ➢ Explain the theoretical and historical factors that influenced the writers of the U.S. Constitution.➢ Describe the structure of the Articles of Confederation and explain why the confederation failed.➢ Identify and explain the compromises made by the delegates to come to agreement on the U.S. Constitution.➢ Explain the rationale for, … Read more