Pick any stock market listed company like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon etc.

What your business is doing that competitors cannot. Business strategy wooing the investors to fund your business model. Write paper on your business strategy wooing the investors to fund your business model. Pick any stock market listed company like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon etc. You are to write as if you are the owner of the … Read more

Who are the stakeholders in this and how might they be affect by Apple’s decision?

Apple and the FBI Apple and the FBI have two separate incidences where the FBI has asked Apple to break into an iPhone in a terrorist investigation where that phone may contain information that could prevent another terrorist attack. You are Tim Cook and you have to decide how to respond to the FBI’s latest … Read more

What is Apple’s overall corporate strategy?What are Apple’s OM Strategy Pieces? Does Apple have fit?

For the Apple iPhone:A. What is Apple’s overall corporate strategy?B. What are Apple’s OM Strategy Pieces? Does Apple have fit?C. What are the Architecture ComponentsD. What are Apple’s Core CapabilitiesE. Explain in detail: Is Apple a Triple‐A SC? Why or why not?

Calculate, plot and compare the profitability and efficiency measures of Apple, Samsung, Blackberry and Nokia from 2009 to 2013 using the data in Exhibit 10 and Exhibit 11 .

Supply Chain Finance 1) Calculate, plot and compare the profitability and efficiency measures of Apple, Samsung, Blackberry and Nokia from 2009 to 2013 using the data in Exhibit 10 and Exhibit 11 . 2) Looking at Apple’s supply chain, what differences set it apart from competitors? 3) What are Apple’s key advantages in how it … Read more

Apple vs. FBI: write a 7-10 page paper on the current case, Apple vs. FBI,present the case, historical context, layout Apple’s position, and layout FBI’s position.

Apple vs. FBI Write a 7-10 page paper on the current case, Apple vs. FBI,present the case, historical context, layout Apple’s position, and layout FBI’s position. Analyze implications of both parties and its impact on privacy, the common good, moral/ethical positions of both sides as well legal implications.

Apple, Inc. Strategic Analysis:History of the company and current status: when was the organization founded, why and by whom?discuss unusual history associated with the organization.

Apple, Inc. Strategic Analysis I. Introduction to the Organization – History of the Company & Current Status — A. When was the organization founded, why and by whom? Discuss unusual history associated with the organization. B. Is it privately or publicly held? C. Who are its top executives in terms of experience, academic credentials, diversity, … Read more

”Forbes”: Changes at the Top: explain the impact you think the transition from Steve Jobs to Tim Cook has had on Apple’s primary stakeholder groups: customers, employees, and investors.

”Forbes”: Changes at the Top Read ”Forbes” Explain the impact you think the transition from Steve Jobs to Tim Cook has had on Apple’s primary stakeholder groups: customers, employees, and investors. In what ways do you think Tim Cook’s leadership has changed Apple?    

Apple vs. the FBI: explain, based on the article and additional research, whether you agree with the FBI or Apple.

Apple vs. the FBI Read the article The Secret History of the FBI’s Battle Against Apple Reveals the Bureau’s Mistake https://finance.yahoo.com/news/secret-history-fbi-apos-battle-173731670.html .Use internet for additional research about this issue and this specific case. Write a 3–5 page position paper in which you: Explain, based on the article and additional research, whether you agree with the … Read more