Building on your research and content, describe how your chosen motivational theory impacts your work world

In the week two Discussion Forum, you selected the theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Building on your research and content, describe how your chosen motivational theory impacts your work world (or one you have been part of in a previous work environment). Describe the impact of your chosen motivational theory on the following components of … Read more

Propose a relevant nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project. Explain why you selected this topic and how it is relevant to advance nursing practice

Propose a relevant nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project. Explain why you selected this topic and how it is relevant to advance nursing practice

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: explain how the ideas and perspectives of your peers have shaped your understanding of the situation.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Assess your knowledge of the subject area and ability to evaluate, select and apply appropriate leadership techniques and approaches for resolving complex situations and disputes (LO2). Explain how the ideas and perspectives of your peers have shaped your understanding of the situation. There is no set number of discussion posts that should be … Read more

In a 4500 word case study demonstrate application of your knowledge and understanding to critically analyse a specific patient assessment and provide a 500 word critical reflection on your development of advanced clinical assessment skills

In a 4500 word case study demonstrate application of your knowledge and understanding to critically analyse a specific patient assessment and provide a 500 word critical reflection on your development of advanced clinical assessment skills

Write a 500-750 word essay explaining why professional dispositions of learners is important in the educational settings?provide examples from your past educational experience.

Write a 500-750 word essay that addresses the following: • Why are professional dispositions of learners is important in the educational settings? Provide examples from your past educational experience. • from your past educational experience, how have the model code of ethics for educators been applied to classroom practice! • what skills, traits, or attributes … Read more

Human resource management:make  recommendations to the organization on the leave plans, both paid and non-paid, what would be the “must haves” and why?

Human Resource Management There are laws that govern leave, both at the federal and state. You can find the links to state-specific laws here: Leave Laws If you were asked to make  recommendations to the organization on the leave plans, both paid and non-paid, what would be the “must haves” and why? Select one “paid” … Read more

What are the differences between leaders and managers?what characteristics are similar and what are different?

written essay please answer the following questions: What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different? Provide a total of three examples. First, of someone who has great managerial skills. Second, another individual with great leadership skills. Third, another person with poor managerial skills. These can be made … Read more

Identify and justify a legal research project, including its aims, scopes and objectives and critically review the extent and nature of existing legal research on this legal topic.

Literature review which critically analyses a legal issue of your choosing 1. Identify and justify a legal research project, including its aims, scopes and objectives and critically review the extent and nature of existing legal research on this legal topic. 2. Self-manage research by applying acquired research skills and knowledge of advanced legal research methods … Read more

. In approximately 400–500 words, using compare/contrast strategies, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of distance education programs compared to traditional classroom education.

  1. In approximately 400–500 words, using compare/contrast strategies, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of distance education programs compared to traditional classroom education. 2. In approximately 400–500 words, using compare/contrast strategies, compare and contrast two sports or two games.