Entrepreneurial pricing strategies: many retailers frequently sell goods on their web sites for different prices than they charge at their‘brick-and-mortar stores.’ which outlet category online or brick and mortar would you expect to have higher prices? explain.

Entrepreneurial Pricing Strategies 1. Name brands often sell their lines of sweaters, jeans, and shirts in upscale department stores and lowed big-box stores at different prices. When is such a pricing strategy profitable? 2. Airlines typically charge passengers, who book their flights weeks in advance, a lower price than they charge passengers, who book their … Read more

Problem/Solution Proposal: expain who will benefit from solving this problem? Why is this problem pressing and why should an average person care? 

Problem/Solution Proposal Problem identified is that new staff and specifically the waiters and the waitresses have a challenge of getting accustomed to the operations in restaurants and recommending food to the customers, which often results in the clients being dissatisfied. Expain who will benefit from solving this problem? Why is this problem pressing and why … Read more

Creative response :choose one Superhero or Villain, who would it be, and why? Include, how your powers would be used and the impact they would have on society .

Creative Response  choose one Superhero or Villain, who would it be, and why? Include, how your powers would be used and the impact they would have on society . The response should be 1.5 – 2 pages, Times New Roman 12pt. Font, Double Spaced, One inch margins all around, a minimum of two research sources, … Read more

Integrated Care: what is integrated care.explain why it is important/benefits?highlight its challenges and Solutions? what are the consequences if it fails?

Integrated Care What is Integrated Care.Explain why it is important/benefits?Highlight its challenges and Solutions? What are the consequences if it fails? Briefly explain each role: Nursing staff at the nursing home GP Social worker Physio for his mobility Dietician as he is losing weight Occupational therapist (OT)  

Financial Analysis: select any firm and CLC and evaluate the financial condition and performance of the firm and CLC selected.

Financial Analysis Select any firm and CLC and evaluate the financial condition and performance of the firm and CLC selected. approximately 750 words, address the following: Determine which of the ratios provide the most key insights into the firm’s current level of performance. How can you assess whether the results of your calculations are positive … Read more

Applying a qualitative analysis to a current business concept: Create a Plymouth model (linear or graphical approach) based on the topic ”Holiday in Turkey.”

Applying a qualitative analysis to a current business concept Create a Plymouth Model (linear or graphical approach) based on the topic ”Holiday in Turkey.” • Revisit the topic Critical Thinking • Use your Plymouth Model to produce a piece of text (400 – 500 words), . ?  

Select one of the following theories and write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis using the theory you chose : feminist ,Solution focused and Narrative

Select one of the following theories and write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis using the theory you chose   : Feminist Solution-focused Narrative Write a 1,000-1,500-word analysis of the case study using the theory you chose. Include the following in your analysis. What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish … Read more