Work Environment Assessment: describe the results of the work environment assessment you completed on your workplace.

Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages) Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace. Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed. Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your … Read more

Differentiate between “leading” and “managing.” based on experience in the health care industry, explain how an advanced registered nurse can lead well and provide management.

Differentiate between “leading” and “managing.” Based on experience in the health care industry, explain how an advanced registered nurse can lead well and provide management. Share at least one strategy you have used to effectively lead and manage staff within health care organizations Consider interactions with patients, team members, daily tasks, and responsibilities as you … Read more

Business: identify an organization that uses diversification and explain what kind of diversification the organization is using . discuss how diversification is creating value for the organization and discuss potential incentives and resources that encourage that diversification.

Business Identify an organization that uses diversification and explain what kind of diversification the organization is using . Discuss how diversification is creating value for the organization and discuss potential incentives and resources that encourage that diversification.  

Act as a consultant for your employer or the company of your choice and prepare a slide presentation with three to five change recommendations for addressing customer needs and building an ecosystem for innovation.

Act as a consultant for your employer or the company of your choice and prepare a slide presentation with three to five change recommendations for addressing customer needs and building an ecosystem for innovation. To do this, you will need to answer the following questions for your recommendations. Where will your innovations take the company … Read more

Costs Management: prepare a budgeted cost by period table and a cumulative budgeted cost (CBC) curve for the project.

Costs Management 1. Using the schedule from the charts and tables provided and at the end of the report, estimate the cost for each activity 2. Determine the total budgeted cost for the project 3. Prepare a budgeted cost by period table (similar to Figure 7.5 on Page 250) and a cumulative budgeted cost (CBC) … Read more

Media Analysis: Compare the coverage of  different types of sources: newspapers, magazines, academic journals and books.               

Media Analysis Compare the coverage of  different types of sources: newspapers, magazines, academic journals and books.                                                                                                                                                                        Should be 800–1000 words and requires citations from 3-4 sources in current APA formatting.              This media analysis will include a title page, a reference page, and have a minimal of 800-word limit. Identify relevant scriptural principles and perspectives from … Read more