Develop an essay examining the strategic use of rhetorical appeals and the persuasive power of the particular source and not about the content itself.

Rhetorical analysis essay Develop an essay examining the strategic use of rhetorical appeals and the persuasive power of the particular source and not about the content itself. Discuss how the use of rhetorical appeals determines the effectiveness of the argument.

TEAMWORK : What is the best team you’ve ever been a part of? What is the worst?What characteristics of good teamwork did your best team model? Which characteristics did your worst team lack?

TEAMWORK After reading about the secrets of great teamwork, discuss the following in small groups: 1. What is the best team you’ve ever been a part of? What is the worst? 2. What characteristics of good teamwork did your best team model? Which characteristics did yourworst team lack? 3. If you were building a team … Read more

Essentials of Technical Communication : What kinds of documents will you create as a professional in your field? Which of these kinds of documents will need to include illustrations?

Essentials of Technical Communication Read Chapter 6, in The Essentials of Technical Communication and then consider the following questions. What kinds of documents will you create as a professional in your field? Which of these kinds of documents will need to include illustrations? What kinds of illustrations will you need for these documents? In what … Read more

The Social Network : Choose a film to analyze and create a PowerPoint presentation 20-30 minutes,8-15 page paper should analyze the OB concepts represented in the film.

The Social Network Choose a film to analyze and create a PowerPoint presentation 20-30 minutes,8-15 page paper should analyze the OB concepts represented in the film. The first part of your paper should describe the course concepts and analyze how these concepts are exhibited in the film. Your paper should also include what your team, … Read more

Cybercrime : What are its main features, what crime is it aiming to prevent, how will it achieve its aims? Why is this app better than other approaches/responses that currently exist?

Cybercrime “You are a group of criminologists working for the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice is looking to develop a suite of crime prevention apps, and your group is designing a unique and cutting-edge app to pitch to the Department.” Your presentation should include: • An outline of your app – What are … Read more

Solar Panels : What is the future of this technology? What advancements are scientists trying to come up with and what will we want them to do?

Solar Panels Organize your thoughts and the main points of your “Solar Panels”. a. Does the device transform one type of energy to another . b. What sub assemblies and components does the technology contain and how do they work? One approach you can consider taking here is to choose some elemental particle that the … Read more

Othello Essay : How do the other characters react to Othello’s skincolor or to the fact that he is a Moor? How does Othello see himself?

Othello Essay Write a 4-5 paragraph essay answering the prompt; include evidence and commentary in each body paragraph. Discuss the role that race plays in Shakespeare’s portrayal of Othello. How do the other characters react to Othello’s skincolor or to the fact that he is a Moor? How does Othello see himself? Use evidence from … Read more

Case study : Read a coronial case report then conduct a critical analysis of key Quality and Safety concepts within the case.

Case study Read a coronial case report then conduct a critical analysis of key Qualityand Safety concepts within the case. Coroners_Case_of_Patient_C Word limit is 1800 words .Word length includes in-textreferencing and excludes your reference list and appendices