, can you think of social situations in which your “dominant” or “subordinate” identities play out in different ways – either challenging or supportive or both?

Had that been their racial identity before the process of immigration Study question Answer only ONE question from each section. Make sure you number each section in your answers. Each answer must be at least 100 words in length. You do not have to include a work cited page. Answers must make use of the … Read more

Explain what the Black Cabinet was and who was in it? Was this a political move by FDR to gain the Black Vote?

The black press said that the National Recovery Administration (NRA) actually stood for “Negro Run Around” or “Negroes Ruined Again.” Discussion board Final reminder about videos. We hope that these assist you and either reinforce the content from the text OR add new ideas to reflect upon. These are intended to add to the textbook … Read more

If Americans are “deeply religious people,” what does religious studies scholar, Stephen Prothero, mean when he claims that many Americans are also “religious illiterates”?

World Religions. If Americans are “deeply religious people,” what does religious studies scholar, Stephen Prothero, mean when he claims that many Americans are also “religious illiterates”?

Explain public policy toward each of these groups that reflected the disdain of some Americans and the United States government toward them.

Multiculturalism, crime, and criminal justice It is not possible to adequately study the history of diversity in the United States without reflecting upon the treatment of both the Native American and the Asian population. Explain public policy toward each of these groups that reflected the disdain of some Americans and the United States government toward … Read more

Government Essay on the Media : Discuss the requirements of digital citizenship and how these requirements produce the so-called digital divide.

Government Essay on the Media Digital media have revolutionized the way Americans get their news. Discuss the requirements of digital citizenship and how these requirements produce the so-called digital divide. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the internet as a tool for Americans to learn about politics.

Why do you think most Americans do not currently consume diets that match the recommendations presented in the Dietary Guidelines?

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1)Why do you think most Americans do not currently consume diets that match the recommendations presented in the Dietary Guidelines? (100 words) 2)Which food or foods fall into two of the five food groups represented in My Plate? Please see below for the link to My Plate.gov. (100 words) 3)Describe a … Read more

Write paper to a family member/friend who has a basic knowledge of U.S. history and is not an expert about the subject.

Write paper to a family member/friend who has a basic knowledge of U.S. history and is not an expert about the subject. Paper detalis: According to the Constitution of the United States, one of reasons that Americans founded the United States was to provide freedom to its people. Thus far, our class has covered, or … Read more

Integration and Civil rights : Explain how the automobile and television changed the lives of Americans. Also, discuss elements of the 1950s American dream. Do you want those same elements in your current or future life? Why or why not?

Integration and Civil rights Answer each of the two prompts below in separate paragraphs of at least 250 words per response. You should have at least 500 words total for this discussion board. 1. How did many southern whites resist integration and civil rights? Do some research on either a school you attended or a … Read more

How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective?

Write one 5-7 page essay, choosing one of the five questions below. Pages refer to typed, double-spaced pages (about 300 words per page). How effective has government been in helping Americans obtain the “good life”? How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective? Have Americans found … Read more