Air Pollution : What the environmental or natural resource problem or issue is and who it is affecting what, who, when, why, and how? Is there some degree of scientific uncertainty associated with the problem?

 Air Pollution The paper should be approximately 16 pages, 6 Chapters in length, and have at least 15 peer-reviewed articles as references. Please, double-space your text and use a 12 pt. font. 1.What the environmental or natural resource problem or issue is and who it is affecting what, who, when, why, and how? Is there … Read more

Air Pollution: what do we mean by pollution?why is air pollution important to learn about it?

Air Pollution Read one peer reviewed scientific manuscript, one documentary, one newspaper article and one website on the issue of air pollution and air pollutants. Answer the following questions: What do we mean by pollution? Why is air pollution important to learn about it? Which specific pollutants are of interest and why? What is/are the … Read more