What are the underlying causes of symptoms of the disease or disorder?

Select and research a disease or disorder related to the endocrine system. Wait A what? Imagine that you are employed at a local nonprofit agency and belong to an online community of people who work in the field of mental health. In a blog space, you are interested in sharing information on a particular disease … Read more

Air Pollution : What the environmental or natural resource problem or issue is and who it is affecting what, who, when, why, and how? Is there some degree of scientific uncertainty associated with the problem?

 Air Pollution The paper should be approximately 16 pages, 6 Chapters in length, and have at least 15 peer-reviewed articles as references. Please, double-space your text and use a 12 pt. font. 1.What the environmental or natural resource problem or issue is and who it is affecting what, who, when, why, and how? Is there … Read more

Whose welfare needs to be considered, and what implication does your coworkers’ disclosure have on clients, peers, and the agency?

Case study Critically think and write about a complex ethical situation What steps need to be taken to address this situation ethically and legally? What is your responsibility as an addiction professional regarding your co-worker’s disclosure and behavior? What are the ethical principles and codes that apply to the case study? Whose welfare needs to … Read more

Human Service Timelines: discuss similarities and differences between the history of the agency you chose and the history of the human services field.

Human Service Timelines •Discuss similarities and differences between the history of the agency you chose and the history of the human services field. •Describes one event in human services history at the state, national, or international level. This historical event can be from the past or present.