What do you see as the two or three major recurrent thematic concerns in African American literature?

Exam Essay What do you see as the two or three major recurrent thematic concerns in African American literature? How do these concerns evolve over time, and to what extent do other works of American literature share them? Based on your reading list, in what directions would you expect future American writers to take their … Read more

Write a post explaining how the reading by Hinshaw helped you understand how stigma affects the help-seeking behavior of African American males who have mental disorders.

Mental disorders Listen to the podcast https://www.npr.org/2012/08/20/159376802/behind-mental-health-stigmas-in-black-communities. Write a post explaining how the reading by Hinshaw helped you understand how stigma affects the help-seeking behavior of African American males who have mental disorders.

What percent of African American and Latino students attend schools with a minority enrollment of 90 to 100 percent?

Linda Darling-Hammond, “Inequality and School Resources: What It Will Take to Close the Opportunity Gap” 1.What was the Williams v. California case about? 2.How are public schools funded in the U.S.? What is the primary form of funding? 3.In most states what is the ratio between per pupil spending in the richest and poorest districts? … Read more

What was the jim crow ‘system’ and how did African American contest the violence, inequalities, and indignities that it imposed?

Answer each question (1500 Words Each) What was the Jim Crow ‘system’ and how did African American contest the violence, inequalities, and indignities that it imposed? How successful at achieving its aims was the African American civil Right campaigns of the 1950’s and 60s?