Prepare an advertisement for that position that complies with federal law.

Anti-Discrimination Laws Related to Employment Your supervisor has placed you in charge of hiring a new, full-time administrative assistant for your department. Prepare an advertisement for that position that complies with federal law. This advertisement must be detailed. The minimum length of your job description must be 300 words (approximately three-fourths of a page). You … Read more

What is the subtext or the implied message?

Find an advertisement or song to deconstruct (produced between 2019-present). Post the specific example (direct link or embed it onto the post). Then, deconstruct your chosen example by focusing on at least 2 particular aspects of the example (ex. color, language choice, imagery, etc.) What do you think it is trying to deconstruct? What is … Read more

Compose a 90- to 175-word script for a 30- to 60-second online advertisement that promotes your sustainability initiative, advocates for sustainable health care practices, and invites the community to action.

Story board Compose a 90- to 175-word script for a 30- to 60-second online advertisement that promotes your sustainability initiative, advocates for sustainable health care practices, and invites the community to action.

Explore your community and find an advertisement that represents helping community members be prepared for a disaster.

Community and disasters Preparedness. Think about disasters your community has or could potentially face. Now, think about how your community is helping its members prepare. Explore your community and find an advertisement that represents helping community members be prepared for a disaster. Describe the message the advertisement is conveying.Describe how the message impact preparedness. If … Read more

Advertisement : Create an advertisement for a product or service. The product or service needs to have a connection to education and learning.

Advertisement Create an advertisement for a product or service. The product or service needs to have a connection to education and learning. The focus should be on making student life and the educational journey more efficient and productive. This could be an advertisement for an already existing product/service or for a new product/service. Your advertisement … Read more

Persuasive Argument Project Assignment Instructions: create a print advertisement, such as a word document or power-point size

Persuasive Argument Project Assignment Instructions Use of ethos, pathos, or logos to persuade others to agree with your opinion on a made-up (something created by your own imagination) product or business. This project is a graded assignment and is required for course completion. Use of at least 1 rhetorical device (Ethos, Pathos, or Logos – … Read more