In your own words, define “body image” and give two ways that body image might lead to negative health outcomes.

Refection:Body Image, Media, and Health Respond to all of the questions below based on your personal experiences and attitudes, as well as material covered in class/the readings. In your own words, define “body image” and give two ways that body image might lead to negative health outcomes. When thinking about the media you consume, what … Read more

Based on the case presented in the video, what nutritional and physical activity plans would you recommend? Be specific, Do not just say the child needs to “eat better.”

Four Years Old and 101 Pounds Childhood obesity has both immediate and long-term negative effects on health and wellness. Over the last thirty years, childhood obesity has grown to epidemic proportions, with childhood rates almost doubling, and adolescents almost quadrupling. After watching the video below, reflect on childhood obesity, and how lack of knowledge and … Read more

Identify at least three boundary issues that may come forth when providing group therapy to adolescents.

As the group leader, one of your roles is to go over the rules of the group, and to do so you must develop most of the group rules with the entire group. What two rules will you have for a group of adolescents? Explain issues around boundaries,  is it acceptable for group members to … Read more

Contraception for Adolescents: is the APN required to inform Jocelyn’s parents about her sexual activity?

Contraception for Adolescents The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among developed countries. In recent years, however, the teen pregnancy rate has been dropping, which is attributed largely to improved contraceptive use. Counseling is particularly important in adolescent girls to ensure they understand their contraceptive options and use contraception consistently. One-third of teenagers … Read more

Juvenile delinquency: describe juvenile delinquency and its reference to adolescents in the criminal justice system.

Juvenile delinquency • Describe juvenile delinquency and its reference to adolescents in the criminal justice system. • Provide 2 examples of high-risk behaviors that characterize contemporary adolescence, and describe how they lead to acting out • Summarize the historical differences of juvenile treatment in the past as opposed to now in society.