Compose a list of three ways in which this diagnostic label could potentially alter the course of Charlie’s life.

ADHD Charlie, a six year old in the first grade, has just been diagnosed with ADHD by his family physician. Compose a list of three ways in which this diagnostic label could potentially alter the course of Charlie’s life. Discuss the information that you would like to have that would help you determine if Charlie’s … Read more

A childhood disorder or one that extends into adulthood?Provide an argument that addresses the question using specific recent evidence from the relevant body of literature.

ADHD: A childhood disorder or one that extends into adulthood?Provide an argument that addresses the question using specific recent evidence from the relevant body of literature. Use in text citations frequently and use APA format throughout. Critically evaluate any evidence that you present both for and against your argument.

Culture and disability : Speaking specifically about Matt.How would you handle the delicate situation and be specific about what resources would you provide Mr. Snyder?

Culture and disability After reading about Matt, a child with ADHD [] and the three assigned articles (Elissa et al., 2018; Malkawi et al., 2020; Nahal et al., 2017) on culture and disability, respond to the following: a. As a teacher we respond to families endeavoring to view a situation through a multiple perspectives lens, … Read more

Comparative study : Research and explain the effect of teacher’s training for student with ADHD in classroom in England, and Louisiana .

Comparative study Research and explain the effect of teacher’s training for student with ADHD in classroom in England, and Louisiana . Includes background, rationale and an overview of the structure of your assignment. You might include: What “practice” (professional issue) are you writing about? Why is this “practice” (professional interest) significant to you and/or your … Read more

Scenario: charlie just needs more physical exercise. but his mother continues to insist that Charlie needs would you explain to his mother what you plan to do?

Scenario: Charlie is an 8-year-old boy who is having difficulty making friends and sitting still in class. When he goes to school, his teacher complains that he can’t sit still. He will sit for 3 minutes but soon after he starts bouncing his leg, and then he begins tapping his pencil. Shortly thereafter, he starts … Read more

Exceptional: describe in detail how a college online course could be better created and or adapted to meet the needs of a variety of exceptional people.

Exceptional Describe in detail how a college online course could be better created and or adapted to meet the needs of a variety of exceptional people. Center on persons with Mild intellectual disability, ASD, persons with ADHD or perhaps people with a combination of “atypical abilities”. There are huge numbers of people with learning disabilities, … Read more

Prepare a 3 page paper; first research the topic and then outline the services you have identified in your community. describe the process you used in locating them. who did you contact?are the services adequate?  

When writing the 3 page paper and the brochure find reference in the Kansas City area. Rationale Families of children with exceptionalities often need or could benefit from community services but are either unaware of them or do not know how to access them.  Often educators are in the same situation and are not knowledgeable … Read more