In an essay of approximately 600 words, describe your motivation for applying to the M.S. in Information Technology at College.

Information Technology In an essay of approximately 600 words, describe your motivation for applying to the M.S. in Information Technology at College. Include your short–term and long–term professional goals and how the M.S. in Information Technology. In addition, indicate how your experience and skills would help you be successful in this program

Write an evaluation argument that tries to persuade your readers to accept your reasoned judgment on a topic.

Evaluation argument Write an evaluation argument that tries to persuade your readers to accept your reasoned judgment on a topic. • Evaluate the effectiveness of a policy. • Evaluate the quality of a consumer product. • Evaluate the benefits of pursuing a specific hobby. • Evaluate the merits of a specific film or book.

How can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil fuels?What can be done to improve the college graduation rate?

Proposal Proposal arguments are common forms of writing, especially in the professional world. This task requires you to propose a clear solution to a specific problem and then provide evidence to support your recommendation. Choose only one of the following topics for your essay. • How can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil … Read more

Examine either the causes of a problem, why the problem has happened, or what factors have led to a particular problem.

A causal analysis Examine either the causes of a problem, why the problem has happened, or what factors have led to a particular problem. To write an effective causal analysis essay the argument and body paragraphs should focus on 2–4 specific causes that have led to the problem you have identified. Suggested length of 3–7 … Read more

The Promises and Perils of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology : In your own words, define nanotechnology and biotechnology.

The Promises and Perils of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Using the required academic readings and supplemental academic research, address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board : In your own words, define nanotechnology and biotechnology. Summarize the history of nanotechnology or biotechnology. Select a specific example of nanotechnology or biotechnology: Why is your example of … Read more

Dating Service Proposal : Create a 3-slide PowerPoint proposal for a new online dating service.

Dating Service Proposal Imagine you are on a team of amateur entrepreneurs developing a new online dating service (either an app or website). A television producer has invited you to pitch your idea in front of a group of investors on an exciting, competitive game show. The winning team will receive a prize of investment … Read more

Radiance of Tomorrow l Compare the missionaries from Things Fall Apart to the mining company in Radiance of Tomorrow.

Radiance of Tomorrow Compare the missionaries from Things Fall Apart to the mining company in Radiance of Tomorrow. Did one of them have more of a negative impact than the other? What positives could be taken from them? How could both of these entities have resulted in more positive change? Refer to both books and … Read more

Technology : Write a 1000-1250 word reflective paper to compare your autobiographical story of technology to the biographical information about technology you learned from the person you interviewed.

Technology Write a 1000-1250 word reflective paper to compare your autobiographical story of technology to the biographical information about technology you learned from the person you interviewed. Be sure to include the following in your paper: An introduction the describes the generational and demographical differences between you and the person you interviewed. Select one of … Read more