Compose a paper about intellectual growth, critical thinking, and ability to discuss social issues in a culturally relativistic and objective Socialogical manner.

Critical Response Paper Compose a paper about intellectual growth, critical thinking, and ability to discuss social issues in a culturally relativistic and objective Socialogical manner. This paper is based on your scientific opinions and analysis of 3 documentary films.

There are many ways to be mildly deviant without breaking any laws. How do we sanction minor deviant acts?

Deviant acts 1. There are many ways to be mildly deviant without breaking any laws. How do we sanction minor deviant acts? 2. Have you ever known someone to reject the “deviant” ? What was the deviant identity? What term describes this sort of deviance? Do you know anyone who has embraced a stigmatized role … Read more

Inequality for All : What does Robert Reich say is happening to the middle class? What problems has this created?

Inequality for All Watch the film, Inequality for All.Address the following using Ch. 7  What does Robert Reich say is happening to the middle class? What problems has this created? How does the film show socioeconomic status’ impact on family, education, quality of life, health, and opportunities? Use examples.

Watch and assess the film Mean Girls the compose a paper demonstrating your understanding of the relationship between the self, interaction, and groups.

Mean Girls Watch and assess the film Mean Girls the compose a paper demonstrating your understanding of the relationship between the self, interaction, and groups. Describe how the social structure and social institutions seen in the film produced in and out groups, reference groups and then discuss the implications for the characters in such groups. … Read more

Select a topic or question about college life and create a research proposal based on the research methods discussed in Chapter 2 in the textbook.

Select a topic or question about college life and create a research proposal based on the research methods discussed in Chapter 2 in the textbook. Your proposal should include the following: 1) A brief introduction to the issue. What do we know? What are you going to investigate. Cite at least one academic source . … Read more

What is a commodity chain, and how does this conceptual device help us to better understand the social relations that under gird our food system?

Labor and the Food System What is a commodity chain, and how does this conceptual device help us to better understand the social relations that under gird our food system? Compare and contrast the experiences of workers in the Thai shrimp industry with those in fruit and vegetable production in the United States. What similarities … Read more

Discuss with your peers whether you agree or disagree with Mouffe’s approach to gaining political power for social change.

Hegemony and War of Position 1. Summarize Chantel Mouffe’s argument on hegemony, war of position, and agonistic politics. 2. Discuss with your peers  whether you agree or disagree with Mouffe’s approach to gaining political power for social change.(each 150 words)

Write a minimum 1000 word count, APA Style formatted research paper explaining the Stop and Frisk.

Stop and Frisk Write a minimum 1000 word count, APA Style formatted research paper explaining the Stop and Frisk. Support your explanation by including, at a minimum, the following topics: The history of stop and frisk and how it relates to Terry v. Ohio The definition, scope, and grounds for both a stop and a … Read more