How many statuses and roles do you juggle in life? Do all of your work, friend, family groups know each other or do you keep those relationships separate?

Who are you online? What processes are involved in creating a social media presence/persona? Are you more or less ‘real’ online? Are you more real online than in person? Why or why not? Who is your audience online? How do you maintain your audience? How do you know what and what not to post online? … Read more

Community Services-How extensive are the services and programs that are available to the elderly in your area?

Community Services. How extensive are the services and programs that are available to the elderly in your area? Describe the demographics of the community. Evaluate the availability of aging services in the community. Describe the agencies that serve the aged in your community. Identify any gaps of service that you have observed. Do you have … Read more

Explain the challenges single fathers have while attending college.

Explain the challenges single fathers have while attending college. Explain what specific type of research method you would use if you were to conduct research to answer your research question. Do not conduct any research. Explain why you would choose this method and how it is better than some of the other methods for answering … Read more

Using your research question, how would you propose to analyze your data? Would you use qualitative or quantitative analysis? What correlations, trends, or occurrences would you look for?

Using your research question, how would you propose to analyze the data? Would you use qualitative or quantitative analysis? What correlations, trends, or occurrences would you look for?

Queensland’s GPS tracker trial to target up to 100 repeat youth offenders.Explain how the government went about doing policy and did they follow the right procedure.

Queensland’s GPS tracker trial to target up to 100 repeat youth offenders. Describe how this youth justice reform proposal got into parliament to be debated soon to become law. Explain how the government went about doing policy and did they follow the right procedure.  

Describe how you can use your newly developed sociological perspective in your everyday life.

SOC 112 Worksheet. Describe how you can use your newly developed sociological perspective in your everyday life. What aspects of sociology can be helpful to you in your personal life? What aspects of sociology can be helpful to you in your professional life? How can a deeper understanding of human interaction be helpful in the … Read more