How can we address Leadership & Team-building in a pandemic situation such as COVID19?

Write a report to critically assess Leadership & Team-building in a globalized world. How can we address Leadership & Team-building in a pandemic situation such as COVID19? Describe the key characteristics of high-performing teams. Assess the mix of attributes, skills, and capabilities and how these apply in leadership / teamwork situations; evaluate team roles and … Read more

Kimberle Crenshaw- Explain fully what Kimberle Crenshaw means by Inter-sectionality?

TED Talks presentation: “A Queer Vision of Love and Marriage.” How do Katrin and Tiq define: Queer, cisgender, transgender? What does love mean for them? TED Talks presentation: Kimberle Crenshaw on “The Urgency of Inter-sectionality.” Explain fully what Kimberle Crenshaw means by “Inter-sectionality?” Describe the “Say Her Name” project. How did it come … Read more

Research ‘Immigration in the United States’ and  focus on providing an accurate account of what happened/is happening. 

Topic of paper: Labor Migration(Hispanics). Research ‘Immigration in the United States’ and  focus on providing an accurate account of what happened/is happening. Choose what area(s) interest you: race/ethnicity group, historical journey/narrative, statistics, politics, landscape, deportation, detention camps, USCIS policy, etc. Write from a historical perspective or to move into contemporary times and issues. Pick an … Read more

Milestone:Write a narrative about a milestone in your life that had an impact on how you developed.

Milestone. Write a narrative about a milestone in your life that had an impact on how you developed. A milestone can be any event or ascribed status. Examples of milestones may be family dynamics, school attended, marriage, birth of a child, divorce, death of a loved one, a contracted disease, influence of a mentor, physical … Read more