What is the difference between Karl Marx’s conceptualization of stratification and Max Weber’s?

What is the difference between Karl Marx’s conceptualization of stratification and Max Weber’s? How did the cultural attitude toward the proper role of racial, ethnic, and religious identity in America change from the early 20th Century to the early 21st Century? What is the difference between “ascribed” and “achieved” characteristics, as these terms are used … Read more

Evaluate the study Folk Devils and Moral Panics by Stanley Cohen, and explain the ways in which this research study has contributed to your understanding of culture and identity.

Evaluate the study Folk Devils and Moral Panics by Stanley Cohen, and explain the ways in which this research study has contributed to your understanding of culture and identity. Use one structural theory and one action theory to analyze the ways in which culture and identity are linked.

Does the Melting Pot accurately reflect the relations of racial & ethnic groups in America? Why or why not?

module 3 writing #2 Summarize the ideology of the Melting Pot. Does the Melting Pot accurately reflect the relations of racial & ethnic groups in America? Why or why not? Construct another metaphor that you believe would be a more accurate description for race and ethnic relations & provide rational.

Do you believe that American society continues to uphold the values contained within the Cult of Domesticity? Why or why not? Provide rationale/support for your opinion.

module 3 assignment 1 Summarize the ideology of the Cult of Domesticity. Do you believe that American society continues to uphold the values contained within the Cult of Domesticity? Why or why not? Provide rationale/support for your opinion.

Is it possible to be apart of a certain culture that does not accept the same beliefs you have for sexuality preferences ?

Chapter 12: Sex, Gender and Sexuality. https://openstax.org/books/introduction-sociology-2e/pages/12-introduction-to-gender-sex-and-sexuality. Is it possible to be apart of a certain culture that does not accept the same beliefs you have for sexuality preferences ?

Religion-Create a fictional religion with an imaginary founder.

Religion Create a fictional religion with an imaginary founder: Write a fictional history of the founder – outline – to include the following content: Describe the founder’s story and vision (purpose of the religion) What caused the founder to abandon previous beliefs and why start a new religion? Describe the early followers, the experience and … Read more