Child in need – multi-agency meetings-Explain what a “child in need” safeguard means.

Child in need – multi-agency meetings. Explain what a “child in need” safeguard means. The role the following positions play when they have a “child in need” and what legislation underpins these positions and their practices. These are the professional roles that need to be looked at and explained in terms of what powers (legislation, … Read more

Understanding Mental Health-Identify the function of two different support services for mental persons with mental illness. consider services such as the Samaritans, MIND, and Child-line.

Understanding Mental Health. Summarize key policy areas addressed in the UK governments 2010 – 2015 agenda for mental health service reform. Consider such areas as increasing access to mental health services and psychological therapies, ensuring health professionals are properly trained and suicide prevention. Identify the function of two different support services for mental persons with … Read more

Gender in America Society-Do people generally conform to gender stereotypes?

Gender in America Society. Read reference: Wade, Lisa and Myra Marx Ferree. 2019. Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions. 2nd edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. Qualitative Interviews: Do people generally conform to gender stereotypes? “Do you think you are a stereotypical man or woman?” “Why or why not?”

write a seven-page essay, that brings the works’ different perspectives in dialogue with our semester learning.

Comparitive Essay (2 books 1 movie) Documented by Dan-el Padilla Lives in Limbo by Roberto G. Gonzales and one movie Documented by Jose Antonio Vargas. write a seven-page essay, that brings the works’ different perspectives in dialogue with our semester learning. The main topic/theme that both books and movie have in common and the paper … Read more

Agency Interview PowerPoint-What is the organization?What are the organization’s mission and values?

Agency Interview PowerPoint. What is the organization? What is their purpose? What are the organization’s mission and values? With whom did you meet? Include the person’s name, title, and date and time of the interview. How did the person you are interviewing come to work at this organization? What was his/her career trajectory? How long … Read more