Provide your own analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Humanistic and Existential Theories, how well it integrates into your personal and professional identity as a counselor, and whether or not you think it is a theory that resonates with you for future clinical practice.

Humanistic and Existential Theories Provide your own analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Humanistic and Existential Theories, how well it integrates into your personal and professional identity as a counselor, and whether or not you think it is a theory that resonates with you for future clinical practice.

Based on what you have learned in class so far, coupled with your own research, write a 1-2 page paper discussing what Criminalization of Blackness means to you.

Criminalization of Blackness Based on what you have learned in class so far, coupled with your own research, write a 1-2 page paper discussing what Criminalization of Blackness means to you. Do you feel it is a legitimate issue, and if so, what do you think are the solutions to this social and human challenge? … Read more

Write about your suggestions about working with sex offenders in the community,drug courts,when clients break the rule.the goal of reentry and a plan for the future.

Training an Officer for Better Outcomes Imagine that you are leading a new training session for parole officers. Some of them will primarily work with sex offenders. Some of them will primarily work with drug courts Write about your suggestions about working with sex offenders in the community,drug courts,when clients break the rule.the goal of … Read more

According to Weber, there are two general ways to get a person to do something they may otherwise avoid doing, through coercion and through authority. Define and explain the three types of authority.

Authority According to Weber, there are two general ways to get a person to do something they may otherwise avoid doing, through coercion and through authority. Define and explain the three types of authority. Be sure to provide examples to elaborate your answer.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the service user group or groups with whom the agency engages.

Social work Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the service user group or groups with whom the agency engages. Submit a 3,000-word report, which provides a reflective and critical analysis of the work of your placement agency based on your observations, and the knowledge and experience gained, within the agency setting.

Choose 1 sociological theory to interpret the connection between substance use issues and crime.Choose 1 type of software to create a guide with visuals.Develop a 2- to 3-page local guide in the form of a flyer, poster, pamphlet, or newsletter.

Scenario: Your local community center has started to host orientation classes for groups of parents of middle- and high-school-aged children. These families have recently moved to the area or are looking to relocate and want to know more about your community. You are part of a group of citizens who wants to support these parents … Read more