Music in Activism -Black Lives Matter-Explore the relationship of music to at least three of the decades between the 1960s and today.

Music in Activism -Black Lives Matter. Write a 3-4 page research essay  that addresses the following questions and contexts. In this paper, Explore the relationship of music to at least three of the decades between the 1960s and today. Discuss high profile events or movements that happened in each of the three decades and for … Read more

What role does substance abuse play in homeless among youth? hypothesis: substance abuse causes homelessness.

What role does substance abuse play in homeless among youth? Research Proposal on the role of substance abuse in homelessness among the youth. What role does substance abuse play in homeless among youth? hypothesis: substance abuse causes homelessness. dependent variable: homelessness, independent variable: substance abuse, population: youth,

American Racial Hierarchy-What will that mean for the types of occupations, residential locations, political power, and media representation of Asian and Latino Americans?

American Racial Hierarchy. What place do you think Asian and Latino Americans will have in America’s racial hierarchy in 30 years? What will that mean for the types of occupations, residential locations, political power, and media representation of Asian and Latino Americans? The essay should be 3 pages and should include a bibliography.

Do a research on how much agency do socialization agents have in the lives of Canadians today? Defend your answer by addressing one or two socialization agents.

How much agency do socialization agents have in the lives of Canadians today? Do a research on how much agency do socialization agents have in the lives of Canadians today? Defend your answer by addressing one or two socialization agents.