The Nature of Privilege :Write a 3-4 page paper considering the nature of stratification

The Nature of Privilege Write a 3-4 page paper considering the nature of stratification(attached below) the vantage points of elites in our society. Consider and critique the privilege and entitlement that accompanies wealth and power. Use the ideas of C. Wright Mills(attached below) consider the impacts of concentrations of power in the US. Think about … Read more

Does having wealth protect some people from being labeled deviant or criminal? To rephrase, does being poor make it easier for someone to be labeled as deviant or criminal? Do you have an example or two you can share to support your answers?

In this reflection paper, you will write a minimum of three paragraphs to answer the following questions about the connection between poverty and the criminal justice system. Does having wealth protect some people from being labeled deviant or criminal? To rephrase, does being poor make it easier for someone to be labeled as deviant or … Read more

Briefly describe the functionalist, conflict, symbolic interaction is perspectives as they apply to deviance/crime. Find at least one example of the relativity of deviance.

Deviance. Define deviance from a sociological perspective. Briefly describe the functionalist, conflict, symbolic interaction is perspectives as they apply to deviance/crime. Find at least one example of the relativity of deviance. Explain how the perception of deviance differs according to social class, race, gender, nationality, etc.