Work Environment Assessment: describe the results of the work environment assessment you completed on your workplace.

Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages) Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace. Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed. Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your … Read more

Choose two research articles that we either discussed during the classes, or that are relevant for research, or that you simply find interesting. Critically discuss and compare, across the two articles

Foundational and Advanced Perspectives in Qualitative Methods Choose two research articles that we either discussed during the classes, or that are relevant for research, or that you simply find interesting. Critically discuss and compare, across the two articles: The paradigmatic foundations, OR the theoretical perspective, OR the interpretative stance (OR a combination of those, depending … Read more

Identify a case from a past professional setting with an individual, couple, or family with two to four diversity components

Description Identify a case from a past professional setting (practicum or work) with an individual, couple, or family with two to four diversity components (e.g., ethnicity, religion, identity, orientation, or cultural group). In constructing a comprehensive treatment plan for the client system, identify the significant regulatory statues for practice at the appropriate level in your … Read more

Contemporary Sociological Theory: what is sociological theory? why is classical theory important to contemporary sociological theory?

Contemporary Sociological Theory 1.What is sociological theory? 2. Why is classical theory important to contemporary sociological theory? 3. Why is class an important issue in society? 4. What is the difference between “gender” and “sex”? 5. What is at least one problem or issue with “social media”? 6. What is at least one way in … Read more

Does the website list contact information for the author or organization (e-mail address, mailing address, phone number) so you can verify the person or organization really exists by trying to contact them?

Description Before you begin this essay you will need to read “Evaluating Internet Research Sources” by Robert Harris (Links to an external site.) For this essay, you will select a website that discusses a current controversial issue that you are interested in. You cannot use Wikipedia. You will need to clearly identify the title … Read more

Watch a movie of your choice that focuses on the family or other intimate relationships and examine no more than three characters and show how various agents of socialization (family, friends, media, religion, work etc…) affect how each of these characters view themselves, how they interact with other family members, and individuals within the wider society

Theoretical perspective of symbolic interaction Directions: Watch a movie of your choice that focuses on the family or other intimate relationships and examine no more than three characters and show how various agents of socialization (family, friends, media, religion, work etc…) affect how each of these characters view themselves, how they interact with other family … Read more

State and explain some of the other reasons why so many jobs in the US economy earning is so little pay

Think about wages, particularly the wages received for relatively low-skilled occupations.                  Understand what the Structural Functionalists would say about these jobs                                                  State and … Read more

Give an explanation of how understanding or recognizing your emotions be an asset personally? professionally?

First take two online Evaluation questionnaires. There are three options available to you. The first questionnaire is provided through the Bradberry and Greaves textbook. You will also see two websites with alternate questionnaires. Please choose two out of the three options available. Once you have completed the questionnaires, you will write a short paper, 2 … Read more

Critically discuss the similarities and differences between how families of offenders are treated, and how the families of victims are treated, both inside and outside of the criminal justice system.

Critically discuss the similarities and differences between how families of offenders are treated, and how the families of victims are treated, both inside and outside of the criminal justice system. Description Q: Introduction and Conclusion? For a 4000-word essay, it is expected that you would have an introduction and conclusion. In your introduction (c. 300 … Read more