Does inclusion as a practice in professional workplaces attempt to consider individuals culture or does it tend to bring them into the fold by integrating them into spaces that are traditionally white supremacist?explain.

Does inclusion as a practice in professional workplaces attempt to consider individuals culture or does it tend to bring them into the fold by integrating them into spaces that are traditionally white supremacist?Explain.

Using the British Social Attitudes data set called ‘assoc2013.sav’, create a contingency table in SPSS that allows you to explore the association between age and attitudes towards same sex sexual relations. layer this table by sex so that you can look at the association separately for men and women.

Using the British Social Attitudes data set called ‘assoc2013.sav’, create a contingency table in SPSS that allows you to explore the association between age and attitudes towards same sex sexual relations. Layer this table by sex so that you can look at the association separately for men and women. The variable homosex asks whether the … Read more

Crime and Violence Issue: choose a topic. what is your chosen crime or violence issue?choose from the following list and provide a brief preliminary overview.write an overview of 1–2 sentences describing why this issue is important to you and to society in general.

Crime and Violence Issue Choose a topic. What is your chosen crime or violence issue? Choose from the following list and provide a brief preliminary overview.Write an overview of 1–2 sentences describing why this issue is important to you and to society in general. Decriminalization of responsible drug use Intervention on the issue of campus … Read more

Sociological Theory: list the norms, folkways, and mores from American society. is it difficult to identify them?why?

Sociological Theory List the norms, folkways, and mores from American society. Is it difficult to identify them? Why? Discuss the importance of these in American culture. Do any of them seem silly, irrelevant, etc.? What would happen if someone “broke a norm” (not a law)? How would people respond? Why? If your parents/grandparents were to … Read more

Gangs and stereotype: write 1-2 page essay about the way systems, such as schools discriminate against people.

Gangs and stereotype Write 1-2 page essay about the way systems, such as schools discriminate against people. Do you have to be a gang member to be labeled as one? Does everyone share the same definition of gangs? How have stereotypes shaped who is a gang member and what constitutes gang membership and activities?   … Read more

In a 2–4 page paper,identify a funding Source and describe in as much detail as is available the parameters of the grant, and evaluate the fit between the project’s needs and the grant’s target.

Identifying a Funding Source – Grant writing Research the funding sites given in this and previous units to find a source that might fund your project. Provide specific details on the funding source, including the name, type (public or private), affiliations, mission, amount of grant, list of requirements, and eligibility. You may not find all … Read more