Contrast the “culture of poverty” argument and structural explanations for poverty.

Contrast the “culture of poverty” argument and structural explanations for poverty. Using occupation and occupational change as your mobility criteria, view the social mobility within your own family and explain why you think people in your family have moved up, moved down, or remained at the same status level.

Drawing from the film ”the end of poverty”?present some examples that further support this theory.

Dependency theory states that as long as peripheral nations are dependent on core nations for economic stimulus and access to a larger piece of the global economy, they will never achieve stable and consistent economic growth. Drawing from the film The End of Poverty? present some examples that further support this theory.

Choose topics from above that are personally useful and meaningful to you.write a 2-4 page essay or personal letter discussing the relevance of the concepts or issues to your own life or to the life of a family member or close friend.

Sociological Theories Research Methods Culture Society and Social Interaction Socialization Groups and Organizations Deviance Choose topics from above that are personally useful and meaningful to you.write a 2–4 page essay or personal letter discussing the relevance of the concepts or issues to your own life OR to the life of a family member or close … Read more

Stratification: describe this object first in terms of its visual or aesthetic features and then in terms of what it might be thought to symbolize in terms of status.

Stratification Sociologist Thorstein Veblen introduced the concept of conspicuous consumption in 1899 to describe the act of buying and using  products to make a statement about social standing. STEP 1: Over a two-day period, be on the lookout for examples of conspicuous consumption that you see on display in your own environment (i.e, as possessed … Read more

Develop a response to survival and death in New Orleans on an empirical Look at the human impact of Katrina 

Survival and Death in New Orleans:Empirical Look at the Human Impact of Katrina. Develop a response to survival and death in New Orleans on an empirical Look at the human impact of Katrina Use Chicago citation style. 1. Use standard formatting – 12-point font, one-inch margins, single spacing. 2. Limit your response to two pages … Read more

Write a 750-1,000-word analysis on social stratification regarding gender.

Write a 750-1,000-word analysis on social stratification regarding gender. Choose a social institution (Education) to describe and analyze the effect that the stratification elements of gender have on that social institution. Include the following in your analysis: Explain how gender impacts the social institution. Identify a form of gender inequality associated with the social institution … Read more

How have various scholars and policymakers operationalized the concept of poverty differently?

1. How have various scholars and policymakers operationalized the concept of poverty differently? 2. What goes into measuring poverty, and what’s left out? 3. How are these measures used, and why was the Trump administration trying to redefine the formula? 4. How have these differences in measurement affected what we think is happening during the … Read more

How did Muhammad Ali take huge personal risks when he refused to be conscripted for the war in Vietnam?

Address the following in essay: How did Muhammad Ali take huge personal risks when he refused to be conscripted for the war in Vietnam? What reason’s did he give for refusing to be conscripted? Why did Jackie Robinson oppose Ali’s stance? How did public opinion about the Vietnam War change over the years, according to … Read more

Power of peer pressure: how is peer pressure different in college than high school?

Power of peer pressure How is peer pressure different in college than high school? Was there more peer pressure or less peer pressure in high school? Looking at the clothes you wear, the products you buy, and the forms of entertainment you enjoy-how many of these are the result of truly independent choices verses the … Read more