How does Predergast explain the connections between structural issues and individual-based characteristics like social capital, cultural capital, status characteristics, typifications, power-dependence, and power-balancing operations?Define these terms in your own words, but be sure to demonstrate how a structural explanation can also account for individual-level differences.

What does it mean to use a structural explanation in sociology? What are the key tenets, as you understand them? How does Predergast explain the connections between structural issues and individual-based characteristics like social capital, cultural capital, status characteristics, typifications, power-dependence, and power-balancing operations?Define these terms in your own words, but be sure to demonstrate … Read more

Select an American race and/or ethnic group (except Native Americans). Describe their migration or conquest and outcome of contact. What factors influence outcome?

1.Select an American race and/or ethnic group (except Native Americans). Describe their migration or conquest and outcome of contact. What factors influence outcome? 2. Use and define any relevant concept from Marger to explain the experience of the race/ethnic group you selected. Other readings may used to help explain the experience of the selected group, … Read more

  “A California Court for Young Adults Calls on Science”What led Shaquille to be arrested for felony? How did his involvement in the Young Adult Court program help him?

  “A California Court for Young Adults Calls on Science” What led Shaquille to be arrested for felony? How did his involvement in the Young Adult Court program help him? Why is getting a felony charge dropped to a misdemeanor so important? What is Young Adult Court in San Francisco? What has recent scientific research … Read more

How long has the Missouri juvenile justice system been successful?What are the main components of the model? Facilities? Location? Staff? Approach to youth offenders?

Read and answer the following: How long has the Missouri juvenile justice system been successful? What are the main components of the model? Facilities? Location? Staff? Approach to youth offenders? What percent of youth in the Missouri juvenile system return again after release? What percent of youth who have gone through the Missouri juvenile … Read more

The Top 5 Facts About Women in Our Criminal Justice System:What percent of incarcerated women are serving sentences for nonviolent offenses?

“The Top 5 Facts About Women in Our Criminal Justice System” At what rate are women incarcerated relative to men? How much has the female incarceration rate increased over the past three decades? What percent of incarcerated women are serving sentences for nonviolent offenses? How much more likely are African American women to be incarcerated … Read more

SCHOOL GARDENS IN THE CITY: Thinking sociologically, what other variables might it have been good to include as controls in the regression analyses?

SCHOOL GARDENS IN THE CITY After reading the article carefully and taking notes, answer the following three questions in your initial response: 1. What do the overall results (of the various models) tell us about how school gardens affect student academic achievement? 2. Looking specifically at the regression analyses that involve step-wise regression,what do you … Read more

What percent of African American and Latino students attend schools with a minority enrollment of 90 to 100 percent?

Linda Darling-Hammond, “Inequality and School Resources: What It Will Take to Close the Opportunity Gap” 1.What was the Williams v. California case about? 2.How are public schools funded in the U.S.? What is the primary form of funding? 3.In most states what is the ratio between per pupil spending in the richest and poorest districts? … Read more

Read Dempsey & Earley’s Spiritual Formation is , then discuss and examine the importance of small groups and growth groups to the overall health of the church/ministry context.

The Importance of Small Groups Read Dempsey & Earley’s Spiritual Formation is , then discuss and examine the importance of small groups and growth groups to the overall health of the church/ministry context. Particular attention should be given to discussing the growth group model and how it relates to developing healthy disciples. Use 500 words … Read more

Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary: Post Traumatic Slave Disorder: explain the role of cognitive dissonance during slavery as described by Dr. DeGruy.

Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary: Post Traumatic Slave Disorder While African Americans managed to emerge from chattel slavery and the oppressive decades that followed with great strength and resiliency, they did not emerge unscathed. Slavery produced centuries of physical, psychological and spiritual injury. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing lays the … Read more