Choose a sociological-related topic in a way that is common-sense or counterintuitive. Describe a scientific breakthrough or your own exceptional experience. Motivate people to action or greater self-awareness.

Sociology. Choose a sociological-related topic in a way that is common-sense or counterintuitive. Describe a scientific breakthrough or your own exceptional experience. Motivate people to action or greater self-awareness. Choose an idea that you want to share and describe it in a catchy way. Using at least 3 valid and reliable sources. The paper should … Read more

Write an essay comparing the two news stories from a sociological perspective on how the media framed the male and the female accused.

Public disgrace. Choose two news articles from a reputable source that were published within the past three years; one about a powerful man accused of a crime or public disgrace and the other about a powerful woman accused of a similar crime or public disgrace. Write an essay (5-6 pages) comparing the two news stories … Read more

Identify and analyze the established values of American society, but to recognize the conflicts that exist in the American value system and the problems this creates for those experiencing contradictions and limitations in the overall values system.

Assignment. Identify and analyze the established values of American society, but to recognize the conflicts that exist in the American value system and the problems this creates for those experiencing contradictions and limitations in the overall values system.

Provide arguments for why the deviant behavior should be reclassified as non-deviant.

Reclassification as Non-Deviant Provide arguments for why the deviant behavior should be reclassified as non-deviant. What are the arguments in favor of the behavior no longer being considered deviant? What are the manifest and latent functions that may occur socially or culturally? Provide statistics and specific examples to support statements.

Describe the history of the behavior and the historical reactions to this act. What are the reactions or sanctions to this act that currentlyexist? What are the arguments in favor of the behavior remaining deviant?

Classification as Deviant Identify an act that is currently deviant and explain how or why it is deviant. This can be a criminal act such as illicit drug use or a noncriminal act such as extreme body modification. Describe the history of the behavior and the historical reactions to this act. What are the reactions … Read more

Choose and write on an issue in the sociology of race and ethnicity : the historical and contemporary management of immigration, historical and contemporary forms of settler colonialism and Indigenous dispossession, racism in overt and covert forms.

Research Paper Choose and write on an issue in the sociology of race and ethnicity : the historical and contemporary management of immigration, historical and contemporary forms of settler colonialism and Indigenous dispossession, racism in overt and covert forms.

Thinking about impacts of earlier reform movements on your life today. How is it different because of earlier labor, feminist, civil rights, environmental, and educational or political reform movements?

Reform Movements: Then and now how has the reform movements impacted Modern Life? Thinking about impacts of earlier reform movements on your life today. How is it different because of earlier labor, feminist, civil rights, environmental, and educational or political reform movements?

Write about working with sex offenders in the community ,drug courts,revocations when clients break the rule ,the goal of reentry and a plan for the future.

Training an Officer for Better Outcomes Imagine that you are leading a new training session for parole officers. Some of them will primarily work with sex offenders. Some of them will primarily work with drug courts. Write about working with sex offenders in the community ,drug courts,revocations when clients break the rule ,the goal of … Read more