Philanthropy : How does philanthropy improve the world beyond just the direct recipients/beneficiaries?

Philanthropy How does philanthropy improve the world beyond just the direct recipients/beneficiaries? The goal of the Essay is to encourage students to think about their heritage, reflect on their values, and better understand Judaism’s contribution to civilization and culture.

Discuss, compare, and contrast two sociological paradigms of your choice by selecting a social issue and providing an analysis from each perspective.

Major Paradigms Paper . Discuss, compare, and contrast two sociological paradigms of your choice by selecting a social issue and providing an analysis from each perspective. The social issue can be from a current event, a social theme or trend you observe, or even an issue from a movie, television show, or book. Describe the … Read more

What are the macro level of dependent and independent variables concepts, terminologies, key terms, social meanings in the article?

A reflective essay based on the article by Amy Leea*, Rhiannon D. Williamsa, Marta A. Shawb and Yiyun Jiec (attached) 1.What are the macro level of dependent and independent variables concepts, terminologies, key terms, social meanings in the article? 2.How are these variables applied to macro vs. micro level of analyses ( social institutions (social … Read more

Social work Write a brief summary describing the importance of the social work (SW) profession to the USA summarize.

Social work Write a brief summary describing the importance of the social work (SW) profession to the USA summarize. Then transition into how SW had to become more organized to become this great profession. SW had to develop professional standard(Rewriter) Since the 1980s, licensure has increasingly become a requirement for the professional practice of social … Read more

Rate yourself according to your confidence level performing the procedures identified on the Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form.

Advanced Nursing Practice of Patients in Family Care Settings Practicum/Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment. Using the Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form: Rate yourself according to your confidence level performing the procedures identified on the Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form. Based on your ratings, summarize your strengths and opportunities for improvement. Based on your … Read more

Group Conflict : Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes that includes introduction and a conclusion slides.

Group Conflict Two small manufacturing businesses in Chicago, IL operated in direct competition with each other for 20 years. Due to recent changes in economic conditions, the two businesses combined in a horizontal merger. When the businesses merged, 20% of the workforce at each company was let go. The combined employees now work together in … Read more

Group Motivation : Examine social categories that you think are most frequently used by the students at University . How have they affected Learning Teams that you have been part of?

Group Motivation Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Identify a time when you inaccurately categorized another person and a time when you felt another person inaccurately categorized you. Consider the following: •How did these experiences make you feel and behave? •What are the differences between social categorization and individuation? •Examine social … Read more

Heterosexual privilege : choose a social issue that is important to you and write a 4-5 page literature review .

Heterosexual privilege choose a social issue that is important to you and write a 4-5 page literature review . You are required to At 5- 8 sources scholarly sources Sources should be documented with in-text citation and a bibliography A Modules ASA format should be provided In completing a literature review : 1. Survey the … Read more

Quantitative research methods for social scientists : Identify and explain the four levels of measurements giving an example of each one.Explain what is meant by measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion.

Quantitative research methods for social scientists. A brief 1000 word report. Answer the following questions: 1.Identify and explain the four levels of measurements giving an example of each one. 2.Explain what is meant by measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. 3.what is the difference between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics? 4: Explain the … Read more