Sociolinguistics : Elaborate on your sociolinguistic variable, define the variable context, and discuss any exclusions/categorical or near categorical contexts. All discussion should be supported by relevant examples.

Sociolinguistics Describe the corpus and outline the sample used for your research.Elaborate on your sociolinguistic variable, define the variable context, and discuss anyexclusions/categorical or near categorical contexts. All discussion should be supportedby relevant examples.Describe and justify the coding protocol. Again, give examples

Recreation therapy : List the diagnosis or illness you selected for this course. Using the literature and resources you have collected, write a 2-paragraph detailed description of your population and the typical characteristics associated with this diagnosis.

Recreation therapy List the diagnosis or illness you selected for this course. Using the literature and resources you have collected, write a 2-paragraph detailed description of your population and the typical characteristics associated with this diagnosis. Using evidence-based practice, write a summary outlining the evidence to support the selected therapeutic recreation intervention for the diagnostic … Read more

Social Science : Compose and submit a ‘resource chain’ based on your own supplementary searching.

Social Science Compose and submit a ‘resource chain’ based on your own supplementary searching. This activity is called a ‘resource chain’ because your goal will be to find three (3) scholarly sources that are relevant to your research topic, and which cite each other so that they form a metaphorical ‘chain’.      

Prosperity : What does Prosperity means to you personally and elaborate on how you would study it in your local/regional/national context .

Prosperity What does Prosperity means to you personally and elaborate on how you would study it in your local/regional/national context . Use this list of resources for reference:

Using a sociological theoretical perspective of either Conflict Theory or Symbolic Interactionist Theory, analyze a movie of your choice, applying sociological concepts from your text to the movie to support what you believe the movie has to say sociologically.

Sociological Analysis of a Movie. Movies can tell us a lot about society and culture. A movie may discuss social roles in a particular time and culture, history, views of socially constructed norms such as sexual morality, cultural fears, and many other sociological facets. By reviewing the movie from a sociological perspective, we can gain … Read more

Political Theology : Compose a paper examining a topical area relating to the some area of Satellite Communications.

Political Theology Compose a paper examining a topical area relating to the some area of SatelliteCommunications. Purely technical papers are unacceptable and will be downgradedaccordingly. The paper should address technical, economic, regulatory, policy and operational use of the Internet/Telecommunication topic that you are researching. A. At a minimum the paper should include one case study … Read more

Drawing on your autobiographical interview, discuss how an intersectional lens might help you understand your own biography and contribute to your future practice as a social worker.

Social Policy and Sociology We learn what intersectionality does and does not do by asking those who are actually using it, by those who have utilised openings to make certain things possible that might not have been possible prior to the broadening of the conception of discrimination. (Crenshaw, 2016). Drawing on your autobiographical interview, discuss … Read more

Reflective Writing : Demonstrate by written and presentation methods a specialist knowledge of a range of social and cultural transformations within Tourism and the myriad ways to understand society, culture and its representation(s).

Reflective Writing 1,200 words 1.        Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: Appreciate and demonstrate critical awareness of how sociology, tourism and touristic behaviours interact to produce a variety of changes within society, culture and the modern world. 2.       Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: Demonstrate by written and presentation methods a specialist knowledge of a … Read more

Group Performance and Team Building Diagram : Create a diagram that illustrates three team-building plans.

Group Performance and Team Building Diagram Create a diagram that illustrates three team-building plans. To create the diagram, you may use Microsoft® Visio®, Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Excel®, or other appropriate software. Within your diagram, include the activities and desired outcomes of each program, and illustrate where similarities and differences exist among the programs. Format any … Read more

How does du Mez try to convince you that the issues that had been brewing in evangelicalism since the 1940s coalesced into a powerful, misogynist movement by the late 2000s?

Jesus and John Wayne Read chapters 11 and 12 in Jesus and John Wayne and respond to the following prompt question: How does du Mez try to convince you that the issues that had been brewing in evangelicalism since the 1940s coalesced into a powerful, misogynist movement by the late 2000s? As we move into … Read more