Discuss from a sociological perspective the difference between race and ethnicity, along with the terms prejudice, racism, and scapegoat. Explain how your racial or ethnic identity has played a significant (positive or negative) role in your life?

Race and ethnicity In Chapter 12, are presented in detail. When looked at from a sociological perspective, the concepts of race and ethnicity and the consequences of these terms are far more complex than common usage and everyday understanding. 1) Discuss from a sociological perspective the difference between race and ethnicity, along with the terms … Read more

Pick a topic related to the gendered nature of social life. Research the literature on this topic and decide on your particular focus and compare and contrast the findings.

The Social Construction of Gender Essay 1. Pick a topic related to the gendered nature of social life. Research the literature on this topic and decide on your particular focus. 2. From the research you have done, compare and contrast the findings related to your topic that take an essentialist perspective on gender with the … Read more

How does each lens comment on society as a whole and impact changes within our personal and professional lives?

The Four General Education Lenses This document provides a brief explanation of the lenses through which we will analyze technology, including links to brief videos that explain the lenses and methods used. As you review this document and watch the videos, consider how each lens intersects when we look at technology. Further, consider the following: … Read more

What is the next challenge for technology? How does this differ from the last challenge?

Video: A 30-Year History of the Future (19:40) In his talk, Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT Media Lab and TED Talk veteran, reviews 30 years of technology and some of the predictions that are now commonplace. As you view the presentation, consider the following questions: What are some of the technologies he showcases that we now … Read more

Can physiological, emotional and cognitive processes be solved using cognitive therapy and other interventions?Is it easy to disengage from white supremacy or its activities?

White Supremacy Examines the factors that promote and hinder bachelor’s degree completion of white and black students. What changes would you advocate to standardize the completion of bachelor’s degrees among black and white students? Can physiological, emotional and cognitive processes be solved using cognitive therapy and other interventions?Is it easy to disengage from white supremacy … Read more

Explain who is impacted by this problem? Who are most often the perpetrators or victims? Do they share certain characteristics?

Crime in Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Communities   Explain who is impacted by this problem? Who are most often the perpetrators or victims? Do they share certain characteristics? Are there environmental factors (e.g. where the problem occurs) that contribute to the problem? What other solutions to the problem have been proposed? What have those worked … Read more

Discuss the impact of Social Media on Policymakers to ensure the Development towards Sustainable cities, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11.

Development towards Sustainable cities Discuss the impact of Social Media on Policymakers to ensure the Development towards Sustainable cities, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11. (1 space) The maximum wordcount is 5000 words including abstract, in-text citations, image captions, and bibliography. The font Times New Roman should be used in 12pt. Page … Read more