Using your sociological imagination, explain what your chosen social issue “looks like” within society, who is affected by the social issue, and how they are affected.

TED talk: Bullying Describe the title of your TED Talk and who you would like to see in your audience. Then address the following: Understanding the Social Issue.Describe your chosen social issue and explain why it is important to address. Using your sociological imagination, explain what your chosen social issue “looks like” within society, who … Read more

Write and organize paper appropriately on the rise of Colonialism and Capitalism in Puerto Rico,the battle for Puerto Rico’s Soul and Usurping Puerto Rico/PR displacement.

Puerto Rico Write and organize paper appropriately on the rise of Colonialism and Capitalism in Puerto Rico,the battle for Puerto Rico’s Soul and Usurping Puerto Rico/PR displacement. Instructions: Research Paper, 15 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt

Choose a subculture or counterculture, and using the elements of culture, research your group and share your research in a PowerPoint presentation.

Subculture or counterculture Choose a subculture or counterculture, and using the elements of culture, research your group and share your research in a PowerPoint presentation. Presentations will need to meet the following requirements: (1) You are required to have a minimum of 18 informative slides. You can have a maximum of 22 slides. (2) Your … Read more

Write a 10-page, typed, double-spaced and properly punctuated and documented term paper with an American Correction topic related to the course contents.

Corrections in the Criminal Justice System Write a 10-page, typed, double-spaced and properly punctuated and documented term paper with an American Correction topic related to the course contents. The paper should have APA format and documentation style. The paper should have the following constituents:  A Title Page (a separate page)  An Abstract (a … Read more

What is World Systems Theory? Using examples, discuss the relationship among the three classifications of countries (or categories) in this theory.

Globalization 1. Which of the three approaches to globalization best exemplifies Sharpe’s concept of the “in the wake”[1], as discussed in class. Illustrate with three examples. 2. What is World Systems Theory? Using examples, discuss the relationship among the three classifications of countries (or categories) in this theory.    

Write the assessment as if you were a social worker writing about a family that you had just interviewed. In your assessment, apply systems theory to generate a better understanding of the family.

Family Psychosocial Assessment The paper will be 7 pages in length 10 maximum Complete a family-focused psychosocial assessment. This will involve you watching a movie from pop culture that highlights family dynamics. Some suggested movies are: – What’s Eating Gilbert Grape – Mrs. Doubtfire – Soul Food – Death at a Funeral – Stepmom – … Read more

Define and discuss Gender Socialization. How does this differential treatment prepare us for the Gendered Division of Paid Work?

Gender Socialization Define and discuss Gender Socialization. How does this differential treatment prepare us for the Gendered Division of Paid Work? A. Each essay shouldbe typed using double spaced line Times new Roman 12 font. B. Each essay should be a minimum 3 pages in length and not to exceed full 5 pages  

Conflict in Europe : Write an essay about one relevant feature of conflict in Europe.

Conflict in Europe Write an essay about one relevant feature of conflict in Europe. The topic can be any conflicts. The paper should include an introduction, body (paragraphs about the topic), and a conclusion. In the introduction section, you will need to give a brief introduction of the conflict and its impacts. Specifically, you will … Read more

Discuss the Gender and women study in the National Association of Native Friendship Centers in Canada, using indigenous women or communities.

Indigenous activism. 1. Make research on this and give full details on “Court treatment of treaty law in the context of Indigenous laws in Canada on Anishinaabek perspective”         (2500 words ) 2. Discuss the Gender and women study in the National Association of Native Friendship Centers in Canada, using indigenous women or communities.     (1000 … Read more